Donating them to any pet shop, would be best.
This time of year if there is no wind, you can see most of the fish in the canals and local waterways down to a depth of a few feet. This last week or so, in the canal by my job I've seen Midas Cichlids including a huge, bright orange one caught by a kid, fishing. Mayan cichlids. (the most common fish now) A 10 inch pacu. A few oscars. Dull red colors. A giant gourami. Several tilapia,both silver/ white and white with orange specks. A couple of peacock bass. Many giant plecos, and some small convicts. I've only seen a handfull of largemouth bass and no native pan fish have been spotted at all. There are nests all over the banks that were previously guarded by mayans that have moved off now. These large patches of light colored sand make for great viewing spots when any fish swims over them. In south Florida, it's WAY TOO LATE.
If I am not mistaken but these canals are manmade so that is why you don't see many natives.This time of year if there is no wind, you can see most of the fish in the canals and local waterways down to a depth of a few feet. This last week or so, in the canal by my job I've seen Midas Cichlids including a huge, bright orange one caught by a kid, fishing. Mayan cichlids. (the most common fish now) A 10 inch pacu. A few oscars. Dull red colors. A giant gourami. Several tilapia,both silver/ white and white with orange specks. A couple of peacock bass. Many giant plecos, and some small convicts. I've only seen a handfull of largemouth bass and no native pan fish have been spotted at all. There are nests all over the banks that were previously guarded by mayans that have moved off now. These large patches of light colored sand make for great viewing spots when any fish swims over them. In south Florida, it's WAY TOO LATE.
I'd rather euthanizing fish than release fish in the wild. And find homes for tank busters are very difficult. What you think why pacu, mega cats, goldfish, pleco and Oscars ended up in the lakes/rivers? Because nobody will take them in and most pet stores won't take them in either because they are already full with large fishes just waiting for someone to buy them for years. Heck you will have trouble to give away them for free. Many zoos and public aquariums stopped take them in because they are full. Put them down is better option than let that fish suffering farther when the owner stopped care about the fish. Sometimes you need to be responsible fish keepers to do what it is best for both you and your fish's welfare.If you can't keep a fish, euthanizing it is a bunch of BS!! There will always be somebody out there looking to buy a particular fish & even more people willing to take it for free, even bringing it to a lfs, sorry but euthanizing is BS unless the fish has a bad illness and there is no improvement seen after treatment to end his/her suffering.