NEVER release an aquarium fish into the wild.

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Yup, thanks to these idiots releasing their fish into the wild, I can't keep freshwater stingrays in California due to so many different species being released. Those people shouldn't be keeping fish, or any animal in general. Period.
And yet people do it all the time....its a shame that gator gars are one of the cheapest fish here....they can survive our winters and eats all the local fish...and cases of releasing non native fish such as oscars, gars, plecos, and even snapping turtles (although not fish) are becoming much more abundant now

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Yup, thanks to these idiots releasing their fish into the wild, I can't keep freshwater stingrays in California due to so many different species being released. Those people shouldn't be keeping fish, or any animal in general. Period.
are there really invasive rays in cali?
I've never seen any actual captures or reports of SA rays in Cali. They were banned due to the potential threat they're thought of as a risk against native species and/or the environment.
I freeze my fish and throw them in the trash. Bringing them to the pet shop is a good idea until some idiots buy them and end up releasing them in the wild.
Freezing really isn't a humane method of killing fish, especially larger ones. A sharp blow (or sharp object) to the brain is much more humane, and clove oil is a slower but equally humane option. Euthanization is best reserved for a last resort, anyway.

We can't keep piranha in Texas because of the very real possibility of them becoming established. If someone ever dumped a group of the little chompers, they'd probably end up breeding.
What else you guys have in Florida ? I've been following some Anglers, and they are catching Clown knives, Monoculus P. Bass, Channa marulius (bullseye sh) and even a SIlver Arowana ...

What are the natural fresh water predators in Florida ??
Everyone know that you are not to release fish into the wild. You can talk until you are blue in the face. But some just don't care.
What else you guys have in Florida ? I've been following some Anglers, and they are catching Clown knives, Monoculus P. Bass, Channa marulius (bullseye sh) and even a SIlver Arowana ...

What are the natural fresh water predators in Florida ??
Florida has a long list of nonnative fish species and they would have some new species added to the list every year. They have found few flowerhorns and a new unidentified pleco species.

As for the native predators, its usually largemouth bass, bullheads, gars, warmouth and few saltwater predators such as tarpons and red bass.
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