NEVER release an aquarium fish into the wild.

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The fish down here tend to get out competed for resources. Basically the natives lose out on food, shelter and breeding grounds competing with the natives. There's not much they can do. Some adapt to it and adjust to a new niche others just compete until it's gone if they are stuck in a pond. You get snakeheads in a closed pond (not connected to a canal) and they will eventually eat out the pond and move on.

The amount of invasive fish down here is rediculous, I used to go catch fish out of ponds to keep. I got a nice breeding pair of jags from a Miami canal. Its sad that it has gotten this bad. Though some fish like pbass were introduced here by fish and wildlife and others were escapes from aquaculture farms.

People are stupid. Lionfish were here when Andrew hit and a surge busted through a pet store and crashed the display tank of lionfish. 6 og them. Not horrible but when they were spotted by tourist on a tour diving and snorkeling they loved it so what do dive/snorkel companies do? Release more of them to get more business.
It's really sad that certain dive companies do that but how did the lionfish get from a pet shop to the ocean/saltwater?...was the shop located on a pier?
No it was across from the beach when hurricane Andrew hit beach front was flooded out and the winds and surge busted up a lot of the property's. The glass busted and everything washed into the flooded area it wouldn't be hard to be washed down to the beach at that point. Most of those shops on and across the beach are literally right up on the beach on a lot of the east coast of florida.
Interesting how some fish can survive a tank bursting,getting out of the store and across the street to the ocean.The entire front of the store must have blew off.
pretty much everything in Miami area was flooded, blown apart or leveled :/ that store was no different. Beats me how it worked out but apparently it did. Same way some aquaculture fish some how managed to get into canals from storms
pretty much everything in Miami area was flooded, blown apart or leveled :/ that store was no different. Beats me how it worked out but apparently it did. Same way some aquaculture fish some how managed to get into canals from storms
In this case it's too bad that those particular fish survived.
And are finding them in brackish/freshwater water estuaries....
Highly adaptable,that's not good.I read somewhere that lionfish is quite tasty,more peopme should fish for them.
I really wanted Mexican dwarf crayfish for my nano tank, turns out all species of crayfish apart from Cherax quadricarinatus which gets huge and is very agressive are illegal in the uk because of introduction of invasive species from America
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