My God. That's some real big prices you've got over there. A GT here in Romania is around 6-7$, a Senegal Bichir is aorund 12$, and a Sev is around 7$. I bought some young Green Sevs with 1$, around 2". It's nice though that your sallary is big enough to cope with such investments. How expensive was your 200 gals if u don't mind me askin'? Hope I'm not to off-topic ... just curious.
So which ones do you plan to keep in the 200 and I really think your tank looks nice, but why do you keep buying fish if you know you will have to part with some?
So which ones do you plan to keep in the 200 and I really think your tank looks nice, but why do you keep buying fish if you know you will have to part with some?
he has probably had this tank for years now and its not bad to swap fish, unless the fish is going somewhere bad, it just makes you happier and most of the time the other tank inhabitants happier. i just got a clown knife delivered in the mail, so any tips or hints. i have him in a 30 but i'm buying a 75 or a 55(with a 15" depth). he is only a mere 3 inches and has got incredible markings. i can see more, but faintly...i heard they grow into those. i hope because he will be stunning! remember to reply to my question about hints and tips about clown knifes. thank you.
First, the Clown Fish is a very fast growing fish. So a longer tank is welcome. I'd say a 100 gals is just fine. Less than that doesn't make much sense. It doesn't matter too much if it's wide or tall but it's gotta be long. THe fish is VERY flexible so width isn't a problem here. He tends to eat huge amounts of food and he's very greedy (I feed them TetraDiscus and Hikari Cichlid for their protein amount and palatability). U have to be careful not to have any aggressive fish to haress him while he's still small. Mine usually had some quarrels with my huge JD (8") and less often with my Jag (11") while he was around 6" to 9". Now he's around 1 foot, maybe couple inches more and nobody disturbs him anymore. Sometimes my Jag threatens him but everything stops there .. fortunately. They're all in a 200 gals tank with some other inhabitants. Feel free to ask anything else. Good luck with yours.
ehm the botia macracantha isn't a fast growing fish he is indeed really slow growing and can achieve up to 30 years of life in captivity or even more lol