The brand is Akvastabil from Denmark.
The company that makes them is called Eldorado:
Their tanks are very beautiful but pretty expensive over here.
The frame is aluminium and comes in either black or silver and they have a good selection of cabinet options.
The 200G/720L is the second biggest they make, the biggest is a 250G/900L, same length and height but 6" deeper.
My gf has the same brand but 36G/130L
Her tank a few months ago:
Hey ... for a bigger apartment you need a bigger tank . Nice Jags u've got there. What happened to the eggs? Watin' for some new pics with the fresh redecoration. Cheers.
Cool a little bit of the amazon right in Iceland! Are the fish more expensive over there altogether instores or do you mostly have to have them shipped?
I buy all fish from stores, i can only order myself if i have an importing license, and that plus shipping cost doesnt quite make it worth it
But yes the fish here are more expensive.
Some examples from my fish:
Green Terror: 70$
African Tiger Fish: 600$
Red spotted Severum: 70$
Poly. Ornatipinnis: 200-300$
My God. That's some real big prices you've got over there. A GT here in Romania is around 6-7$, a Senegal Bichir is aorund 12$, and a Sev is around 7$. I bought some young Green Sevs with 1$, around 2". It's nice though that your sallary is big enough to cope with such investments. How expensive was your 200 gals if u don't mind me askin'? Hope I'm not to off-topic ... just curious.