New 200G monster tank


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 25, 2008
johndoe21ro;2396410; said:
First, the Clown Fish is a very fast growing fish. So a longer tank is welcome. I'd say a 100 gals is just fine. Less than that doesn't make much sense. It doesn't matter too much if it's wide or tall but it's gotta be long. THe fish is VERY flexible so width isn't a problem here. He tends to eat huge amounts of food and he's very greedy (I feed them TetraDiscus and Hikari Cichlid for their protein amount and palatability). U have to be careful not to have any aggressive fish to haress him while he's still small. Mine usually had some quarrels with my huge JD (8") and less often with my Jag (11") while he was around 6" to 9". Now he's around 1 foot, maybe couple inches more and nobody disturbs him anymore. Sometimes my Jag threatens him but everything stops there .. fortunately. They're all in a 200 gals tank with some other inhabitants. Feel free to ask anything else. Good luck with yours.
he is the same size as the bichir and my id sharks. so if he wants to fight back if he gets harrased, he gonna be welcome to. yes i know, they ARE VERY flexible! im getting a 75 gallon :nilly:once he starts to outgrow my 30 gallon. :) 48x18x20.

Andri Pogo

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 4, 2007
just a little update :) been awhile since i posted pics...
the tank is getting pretty cichlid...
thinking of getting rid of the Paroon and Lima... but its hard to decide.

the current stocklist is:
1x Paroon shark / Pangasius sanitwongsei
1x Clown Knife / Chitala chitala
1x Black Ghost / Apteronotus albifrons
1x African Tiger Fish / Hydrocynus vittatus
1x Lima Shovelnose / Sorubim lima
2x Polypterus Palmas palmas
3x Polypterus Palmas polli
2x Polypterus Ornatipinnis
2x Polypterus Lapradei
1x Polypterus Retropinnis
2x Jaguar / Parachromis managuensis
1x Green Terror (Gold Saum) / Aequidens rivulatus
1x Green Texas / Hericthys carpintis
1x Amphilophus lyonsi
1x Three-spot cichlid / Amphilophus trimaculatus
1x Tilapia Buttikoferi



Andri Pogo

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 4, 2007
CubanB;2454739; said:
cool pics man. tank is a little overcrowded IMO. nice fish selection though

i love the butti and the texas. maybe a dovii is on the cards?......
no im not planning on a dovii, i dont think there would be much left of the other fish then. All the fish get along pretty good so far :)