Just the ones I posted. All I did was use 8' landscaping timbers and alternate the corners. I screwed each board to the one under it...really really easy. I had the frame done in less than a hr.
So its been up for a month now and all is going pretty well. I have added too many fish too fast probably like I usually do lol. I test the water every day just about and I have done a few water changes. Currently I have 10 koi 20~30 white cloud minnows 4 rosy reds and 3 mollies. I have not lost anything unless the turtle got to it. I also put my other small red ear in thats about 2". I seen about .25ppm of amo and 0 nitrites and nitrates...I think the .25 is just cuz its still newish and theres a lot of fish. I also feed at least once a day sometimes twice to fatten everyone up.. Also the water is pretty clear...not completely tho. I think the tetra filter has a hard time getting the real real small stuff. I also didn't put many plants yet. I just threw some hornwart in and its floating around. Its growing some...and im sure the fish and turtle are trying to eat it but its kinda hard. I will get some pics up...