• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

New fish we just picked up

Here are a couple of pick ups from a few weeks ago that I realize I have not posted.
What I am told is a Florida gar (although am still unsure)
And a trio of blue mahseer barbs which I have found didn’t like the temperature over 25 so have had to drop it from 28. My clown loach in the same tank thankfully don’t seem too bothered.
Like a fool, took the photos after feeding when the hoplo cats have gone through the sand and stirred as much of it into the flow as they could!
So, not the right time here in the year to see many catfish species at the LFS unless your into plecs, however I managed to pass one of my favourite Fish Shop yesterday and picked up one of my favourite species. CA414816-8757-4F88-9C7A-AE7FE5FBB89C.jpeg
A proper baby at only 2”
Will need to wait to see which it turns out to be , but was shipped as Sperata acicularis
Looking for something a bit more mid water for the pond, so a couple of high fins should be a good choice.
These things need to grow a bit yet as only 3” but already never stop swimming. Believed to be the ordinary Pangasius sanitwongsei but some in the shop had fed well and looked shorter body.
So, called in at Wharf today on our way back from vacation and picked up what I was told a. biscutatus. Looking forward to watching his progress as I know that three months ago these were not much smaller than his current 4”.

Also picked up a currently unknown type of pseudopimelodus.
It looks very similar to Batrochoglanis acanthochiroides but albeit stressed it looks similar to the sp2 type juveniles on planetcatfish. As gain, w we I’ll have to wait and see how it grows.



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Nice pick up on the a. biscutatus, the real thing! The batrochoglanis is a perhaps rarer find, looks very much like a juvenile b. villosus, other than that it also resembles b. transmontanus with the distinctive spotting but young b. villosus share that pattern too. Nice!
Some terrific cats and others there.

I know this is a nutty thing to confess in a catfish thread, but...the coolest thing IMHO in this latest batch is that swamp eel! I had one a few decades ago and thought it was one of the most interesting fish I owned. Would love to find another one now...although I bet they won't appear as a tankful of 10 - 12 inchers selling for only a few dollars apiece as they did back in the day...:)
Some terrific cats and others there.

I know this is a nutty thing to confess in a catfish thread, but...the coolest thing IMHO in this latest batch is that swamp eel! I had one a few decades ago and thought it was one of the most interesting fish I owned. Would love to find another one now...although I bet they won't appear as a tankful of 10 - 12 inchers selling for only a few dollars apiece as they did back in the day...:)
Our experience was mostly negative. Couldn't get them to feed consistently and properly. https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/indian-swamp-eel-2-1-for-5.678805/