Most excellent! the foam frac. acts like a protein skimmer, taking out the waste via aeration...Yanbbrox;4044546; said:Ok, first off I know this looks silly, not level and the pipework doesn't look great. I personally don't care, the pond is filthy and the filters that were fine for the first year are now not up to the job. I've being playing around with the filters for the past month and no matter what I do the pond just won't clear, the last change I made was turning off the fluid bed so the k1 became static for mechanical filtration to try and get more out but that hasn't worked either. This is only setup like this for a month or so until I revamp the whole filter area and add a sieve.
There is only one thing for remove the dissolved solids from the water to do that we need a foam fractionator.
Here is all the bits, I thought it was best to get plenty and take back what I didn't use. In the end I only needed pipe, slide valve, 90 bend, 90 rubber boot, 2'' to 1.5'' converter.
View attachment 485441
I've had to mod the return by adding a T so I can control the water going into the fractionator, flow rates are very important other wise it won't work.
View attachment 485444
Rubber boot added to the tops of the unit:
View attachment 485442
Here is the inside again, the water is dispersed via a spray head in the unit through the media which breaks down the water as it passes through, it also adds much needed bio capacity to the pond now the fluid bed is static:
View attachment 485443
Temp fitting:
View attachment 485446
I had to play about with the levels on the thing, again temp at the moment but due the flags we put down the pattern is so uneven it was impossible to get in right while not being used,so bits of wood will have to do(again I don't care):
View attachment 485445
After running for one minute:
View attachment 485447
After running for five minutes:
View attachment 485448
Once May arrives it will be all redone The sieve will go where chamber one is now and the water will then be pumped out of the bottom to the three chambers but above ground which will help maintenance and access. I'll have to work out if a second pump will be needed to run the foam fractionator or if a split line can be run from the pump and controlled with valves.
Comments always welcome.
so the waste can be plumbed to sewage or garden from that tray right?
How does the sieve work?