So, I read somewhere along the way that you like to hear about when new people find this thread and read through it and what not, so, yeah I did. Took about a week to get through the whole thread. Truly great work and I'm glad you made it through all the troubles to end up in a pretty good place with the pond right now as far as I can tell. I can't say I currently have any interest in ever building a pond, but I did enjoy the read. Actually, this is my first post on the site here. Mostly lurk around here dreaming about building a big tank some day and created an account to get rid of the wall of "please sign up" advertising at the start of every page. Stopped by last week intending to browse the DIY tank threads for some inspiration but found this thread instead and just started reading and like a good book didn't want to put it down. Anyways, great work, and maybe I'll check in from time to time looking for new updates.
Even though I'm new, am I allowed to...
Bump for zenn ?