Hey Yan, i hope you dont mind. I just started reading this thread, and I wanted to let you know my plan. I'm going to read this badboy, front to back and update you as I go. I will not read ahead. I'm currently in the middle of July and you're working out the bracing for the filtration wall.
I will not read ahead and the reason for me posting this is because people rarely go back and read their long DIY threads. I've found it's really nice for the original DIYer, or original poster to follow along with someone as they read.
No problem at all, glad you are enjoying the read, I've actually read the whole thing again a couple of times when things have gone bad, it helps me remember the blank canvas from the start and enjoy the nice comments along the way which encourage me to continue throughout the lows
I want to voice my concerns and ideas for the problems that i'm currently reading. I know that there's 4 more months of posts ahead of where I'm at, and anything I talk about will be long since addressed and handled, but it should make for a nice read for you, to see someone go through the ups and downs with you, long after you have.
I feel it's a little payback for giving me a thread I can sit back and enjoy from start to finish.
1) your backyard is awesome. theres nothing like that in my town, or majority of the US.

Anyway, looks great. good cozy layout. Nice fire pit!
Let me correct you a bit, my yard is a mess but is getting better from right to left
and the fire pit is cool
2) I really think you should try to work in an Algae scrubber. I believe i've seen you post in that "Mega awesome OMG SUPER DUPER FILTRATION" thread, or whatever it's called that's by Santa Monica regarding algae scrubbers, but i'm not sure. Anyway, I believe someone in there used it in a koi pond that was completely covered in algae. It worked great for them, and should continue to do so.
Not wanting to jump on the idea, I do like it in theory but with the right filtration and UV I don't get what is so great about it. Yes it seems to do a good job but to be a really good addition for me the thing would have to take up the rest of the garden.
The guy your referring to I thing is Zen(who will do anything for a post, only j/k Bro
) and yes it did work for him and I'm sure it would for me but surely to correct any green water, just add a uv? As your in July then you won't know that this is my current problem but will be solved with the UV
3) is there anyway to get a pic with a person standing or laying down in the hole? i just want to get some perspective on this monster. could be epic. feels epic anyway.
I thought the dog had been added for scale but give me a minute and I'll dig a picture up
4) what are your other plans for the backyard once the monster is done? just landscaping or whatever. off topic or on topic. just curious about your planned layout. i really love the backyard.
again, i know these concerns have probably been addressed on a later page, but I feel you deserve to see someone follow along with this thread and interact with it much like a good book, or a good movie. I'm the guy that screams at the movie screen in theaters