Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
All these pics make me want to get another pike--- I had an sp. Venezualan(spelling) a few years back the guy at the lfs was selling it as a tiretrack eel and I knew it was a good guy for 10 bucks. When I got her she was maybe 5" and when I sold her a few years ago she was close to 13-14". Beautiful pikes everyone!!!
Ive got a vid on my phone of her lip-locking with my male jag but I dont have a clue how to upload that cause my computer is a piece of @!#$ or me so stupid
A couple more pics one she looks stressed bacause I had her in rubbermaid container for a few hours while moving( again cell phone pics sorry )


a few of mine...
Then.. March of this year..







my camera shy johana female...


noob;616600; said:
hi, i was hoping someone here could help me identify my new pikes, bought them as punctata and reticulata.. i truly appologise for the crappy quality on the pictures but it was the best i could do.. ill try to take som better ones later, but they are pretty small and rather shy.. i have 3 rio xingu I form before but these guys are way to big to be with my latest and ill try to post some pics of them later.. Great site by the way, not many here in norway that are into pikes :screwy: great fish
Second looks like comprissceps