Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
my new pike :D
i think (from what ive heard on here) that it is a female regani?
not sure though, what do yall think?






Here's one of my new pikes, hanging for the time being with some gymnogeophagus and some Crenicichla minuano (out of focus on the right). ;)
They came in smaller than Ken had been told they would be, but they still look great. I picked up 2...taking a gamble, but at those prices, just couldn't get the normal-sized group.

Yes, that's hair algae...the bane of my existence! There's a rock under the algae, somewhere. The fish don't seem to mind it, but it gets into the impellers on the filters, and is a royal pain to clean out. The only fish I have that will touch it are a breeding pair of Amphilophus hogaboomorus, and they didn't eat it...they just needed to clear a spawning site. Anyway, I won't complain: my water is great out of the tap for most of my fish...but there's something in there that the algae loves, too.
No worries man, just messing with you. Was hoping that since the celids were smaller Ken would drop the price on them a little bit, guess we were SOL though on that aspect!! Gorgeous man!! Hopefully you WILL get a pair! :D
the Pike Show Was Most Impressive!!! Nice fish very nice. Some are harder to find than others,but all were Capital...
Thanks for sharin.