Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Post em up mate!!! We gotta get this thread hoppin again!!! LoL

Heres my male Crenicichla lenticulata 'Rio Atabapo' just starting to show the red/orange in the humeral ocelli!! :D :D
Some pictures of my Lenticulata, i can never seem to get a good picture of him. These pictures do him no justice, but here they are anyway.




i promise some pix of my fire and orange pike in my 300 sometime this week
so, I lied....good thing nobody cares and called me out on it :D

I'm moving the 300 this weekend, hopefully, so I'll try to get some pix later
still want pics of them when u get a chance. fires are always awesome to look at.
Matt724;3457256; said:
Wish i had a tank for these.... actually i wish they were legal here in CA.

What'chu talkin bout? Crenicichla ARE legal in California. ;) Its gars, and american pike that aren't. Crenicichla are totally legal. ;)

Pwnin ~ You best stop coming up with these excuses mate!!! What better time to take pictures than when they are out of the tanks!! :D :D :D I'll be expecting pictures ASAP!! Comprende!? you have the sp. 'atabapo II' fires? Or that sp. 'atabapo I' fires? I really hate this new species organization. Was so much easier calling them sp. 'atabapo fire' . Now they are sp. 'atabapo II'. Oh well, suppose it makes more sense.