Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Whatever smartypants:p
Wow!! I love that face shot!! That red around the eye is intense!! And the red dots at the caudal that are moving down the body! I love it!!!

Looks like you might have a male, but don't quote me on that. I think the females have the black blotch towards the middle of the dorsal, kinda like Saxatilis or A. festae do. Just an observation, maybe I'm wrong about it. LoL

Very very nice!! I am jealous for sure!! I was never able to get mine up that large. Moved once, and they all died, second time it was a bad batch of black worms. :(

Absolutely gorgeous though! I love it!! That sp. 'xingu I' is TOP NOTCH!! Fantastic fish!! Actually, that whole 300gal rocks my socks!! Just awesome! How is the aggression? Its tanks like that that give me hope for keeping several species of Lugubris together. I know of several people who have multiple species of Lugubris in larger tanks. Just looks amazing!

Are you going to aquascape it or just leave it like that? I think it looks superb like that, but I know you have mad aquascaping skills, so I am curious to see what you'll do.

Thanks again for the pictures! It was WELL worth the wait! :D
Peanut_Power;3481325; said:
Wow!! I love that face shot!! That red around the eye is intense!! And the red dots at the caudal that are moving down the body! I love it!!!

Looks like you might have a male, but don't quote me on that. I think the females have the black blotch towards the middle of the dorsal, kinda like Saxatilis or A. festae do. Just an observation, maybe I'm wrong about it. LoL

Very very nice!! I am jealous for sure!! I was never able to get mine up that large. Moved once, and they all died, second time it was a bad batch of black worms. :(

Absolutely gorgeous though! I love it!! That sp. 'xingu I' is TOP NOTCH!! Fantastic fish!! Actually, that whole 300gal rocks my socks!! Just awesome! How is the aggression? Its tanks like that that give me hope for keeping several species of Lugubris together. I know of several people who have multiple species of Lugubris in larger tanks. Just looks amazing!

Are you going to aquascape it or just leave it like that? I think it looks superb like that, but I know you have mad aquascaping skills, so I am curious to see what you'll do.

Thanks again for the pictures! It was WELL worth the wait! :D
Thanks a lot! It's gone through a couple bouts of HITH, as is normal for them, but it comes through easily without medicating (except I do normally feed some NLS Thera +A). Sometimes, it'll change color a bit into like this yellowish base color. I hope to get a picture of that sometime.

I just started noticing the pink on the X1 and it's turning out really nice. I'm glad it's a female.

There's not much aggression at all, just a bit of chasing and harmless stuff. I recently put the festae in there and they were all picking on it and it suffered a bit of damage (very quickly, the X1 grabbed onto it's tail and tried to rip it off), but it only lasted less than a week and it's doing fine now. Other than that, it's been great, especially for what it is. I think all the p-bass kinda keep the other fish in line, somehow. Even when I had my jardini in there, it was better behaved than usual. I took it out so I didn't have to give it feeders, but I'm probably going to put it back in.

I have a nice, large stump piece that I took out when I moved it. It's a pia to get fish out when it's in there and it's hard to get out. I actually had to cut some of it off in the tank to get it out. I want to try the johanna in there before I put it back in so I can get it out more easily if I need to. That's probably the only thing I'll have in there. Out of all the tanks I have, there is only one with a single piece of decor in it right now, lol. The BGK in the 300 isn't at all happy about it :grinno:
That is seriously such an awesome tank man! I love it! So diverse and well put together! Rock on!!!

Might want to leave that decor. out maybe. With the decor. comes territories. I'm almost thinking of stripping any decor. on the bottom of my 300gal and just having roots hanging down from the top. Trying to figure out how to calm the lents. LoL
yeah, if I do that, it'll help with overcrowding. The wood takes up so much of the tank and makes it look crowded when it's in. I've got a lot of fish in there and I'm hoping I can continue to do so, but I fear it will become overcrowded.

btw, stock is lyonsi, festae, the two pikes, 2 azuls, 2 kelberi, 2 orinos, BGK, marbled goby, flagtail, and a pinima. i want to put the L. pictus and jardini in there, too, lol. Def going to at least need more filtration sometime.
Here's my johanna scaring the crap out of my jade goby

pwmin;3481080; said:
sry 4 the couple of bad pix...

How does the Flagtail hold up with everyone? Has anyone else here kept flagtails w/ pikes? I'm interested in buying one.