I just heard that some embicile stole an award from an actress at the Oscars the other night.What was he gonna do,pawn it?
I just heard that some embicile stole an award from an actress at the Oscars the other night.What was he gonna do,pawn it?
This guy?......and while we are at it,what the Hell is Kobe Bryant doing with an oscar?
I don't know who the clown was,they showed a quick video of him gloating about snatching the award.They said his name but I forgot what it was.This guy?
It gets horrible on the roads around here starting around Friday afternoon.I do not like to be out and about during that time as everone is in a driving frenzy.Drivers are getting worse and worse. I'm getting close to going madmax with my truck.
Wow,what kind of car do you drive?I drive about 100 miles commute every day for work, 50 miles or so each way, but, I drive the 203 that is a country highway, straight shot to work, only a pain when the valley floods, 2 or 3 times a year. if I had to go the other way twords seattle, I would be a crazy driving mess.
this is my commute.