Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My point before was that an unqualified person with a gun is worse then no gun. If the choice is do something that makes people feel good but changes nothing, or to create a situation that may be more dangerous
Hello; I wish we could ask the teachers who shielded students with their own bodies about this stuff. I am unsure how the situation could be more dangerous than the one in which they lost their lives. Of course we cannot as they died protecting students and also had no way to even attempt to prevent further slaughter.
I understand from posts that you do not get the point of arming school personnel. It is, to me anyway, that we give teachers a fighting chance. I am more than willing to embrace some other strategy if a better one comes along. Arming teachers is in some ways a decent last resort.

that such training would be expensive, time consuming, and that the people you are training (the teachers) may not want the guns, which will make teaching them much harder.
Hello; When I was still teaching I was able to pay for the CC classes and take the time to attend the several days of classes. I think it was three classroom sessions and one range day. The legal liability stuff was the only really new stuff for me as I was already handy with the use of firearms.
Not sure what sort of cost you envision or how many hours of training, but my guess is some teachers will take on the challenge. After all teachers spend years in school to become certified for a tough low paying job as it is.
Also I cannot envision forcing anyone to be armed. It will almost surely be a voluntary thing.

I'm not as confident arming teachers is the answer.
Hello; I agree this alone will not be "the answer". Within the realm of what can be done in a timely manner it is one part of a strategy. My guess is there are already a number of school personnel with most of the needed qualifications. Some sort of coordination between armed school personnel and local law enforcement will need to be worked out.

I think there has to be allot more than one or two things to seriously fix this problem.
Hello; Yes.
Aren't there studies showing that physically disciplined kids are more aggressive and prone to "solving' their problems through violence?
Hello; Interesting. I was physically disciplined and have never been prone to solving problems thru violence. I also physically disciplined students the first 10 to 15 years of my teaching career and have not seen such a tendency among the ones I know.
Is it not a fact that over decades, if not centuries, physical discipline was the norm and we did not have school shootings? Seems to me that this has become currently common in the era since such discipline measures have been pretty much taken away??
I doubt a lot of teachers could afford a gun and training for it on their salary
Hello; It seems you are just throwing stuff out there. I know the guns are affordable. I do not know as yet ( And suspect neither do you) how much such training might cost. I wonder what price point might be too much before defending our students?

I can see how those who are against arming school personnel will try to make the training so expensive and onerous in hopes to make it very difficult.
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not sure thats true but (shrug) on an off thread glad to see the NFL get back to a catch inline with what a fumble is when down by contact. basically when you hit the ground the play is over, your are down. the ground can not cause a fumble and can not cause a incomplete pass because at that point you are down, play over, as it should be.

Hello; I was told the other day that the NFL is not going to do anything about flag ceremony protests. Is this true? If so then any rules change about catches and fumbles will not matter to me as I will continue to avoid their games. I had so hoped the NFL will do what I consider the right thing.
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I do not think boycotting the games going to make any dif, again I think thats going to burn out on its own, In the mean time these knee takers are not going to deny me a good game of NFL. flip the bird at the TV when you see it and get on with the game.
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guess to expand a bit, by reacting to it, by making it an issue you are giving them the power and attention. you not watching makes it news and social media fodder, F em.
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knee takers are not going to deny me a good game of NFL.

by reacting to it, by making it an issue you are giving them the power and attention. you not watching makes it news and social media fodder, F em.

Hello; I understand your points but have a different take on it. I have already written enough about it in another thread. The NFL needs eyes on their ad's so I will watch something else as long as they allow disrespect of the flag. Same for NASCAR, F1, bicycle racing and any other TV event.
Enjoy the games.
Glad they changed the rule. That wasone of the stupidest rules. It probably cost my team a visit to the SB, or the NFC championship at the least (cowboys/Green Bay a few yrs back)
Hello; I wish we could ask the teachers who shielded students with their own bodies about this stuff. I am unsure how the situation could be more dangerous than the one in which they lost their lives. Of course we cannot as they died protecting students and also had no way to even attempt to prevent further slaughter.
I understand from posts that you do not get the point of arming school personnel. It is, to me anyway, that we give teachers a fighting chance. I am more than willing to embrace some other strategy if a better one comes along. Arming teachers is in some ways a decent last resort.

Hello; When I was still teaching I was able to pay for the CC classes and take the time to attend the several days of classes. I think it was three classroom sessions and one range day. The legal liability stuff was the only really new stuff for me as I was already handy with the use of firearms.
Not sure what sort of cost you envision or how many hours of training, but my guess is some teachers will take on the challenge. After all teachers spend years in school to become certified for a tough low paying job as it is.
Also I cannot envision forcing anyone to be armed. It will almost surely be a voluntary thing.

Hello; I agree this alone will not be "the answer". Within the realm of what can be done in a timely manner it is one part of a strategy. My guess is there are already a number of school personnel with most of the needed qualifications. Some sort of coordination between armed school personnel and local law enforcement will need to be worked out.

Hello; Yes.

Hello; Interesting. I was physically disciplined and have never been prone to solving problems thru violence. I also physically disciplined students the first 10 to 15 years of my teaching career and have not seen such a tendency among the ones I know.
Is it not a fact that over decades, if not centuries, physical discipline was the norm and we did not have school shootings? Seems to me that this has become currently common in the era since such discipline measures have been pretty much taken away??

Hello; It seems you are just throwing stuff out there. I know the guns are affordable. I do not know as yet ( And suspect neither do you) how much such training might cost. I wonder what price point might be too much before defending our students?

I can see how those who are against arming school personnel will try to make the training so expensive and onerous in hopes to make it very difficult.

I feel like there's 2 camps to this issue. On one side we have attention getters that want to get there faces in the lime light and on the other side the more serious that aren't just talking weapon bans but thinking outside the box.

Nothing wrong with a data base, more stringent guidelines on who can buy and can't, put some money into the schools with metal detectors and what not.

I think the teacher thing could work in some cases but not as easy as it sounds. I don't see it happening.

I don't feel like just because I'm American and have a heart beat that grants me the right to blindly own a weapon. Our rights are trampled in Soo many ways almost daily but on this issues we cling to the Constitution....ok everyone can have a musket but for a modern firearm we all need training and a background check and so on.

How's this for violating our rights.
That link aint working,Jaws.....I think the armed teacher deal is going to be on a voluntary basis (provided certain qualifications are met) and it's probably best that way. for rights and so forth, people who live in some areas are so accustomed to not having any rights that it doesn't mean much to them to begin with.They have accepted and think that it is the way things are supposed to be whereas people who are from other areas where their rights have not been infringed upon feel differently. Some states make it nearly impossible for it's law abiding citizens to obtain a carrier's permit and sadly,many of the citizens see no problem with example of conditioning and control.
Income taxes were a means to pay for the civil war, after 9/11 the Patriot act changed quite a few of our rights to privacy....our constitution continually changes and adapts.

I find it funny to see some of the talking heads use the Constitution as a defense for stricter measures when these were the same people that were defending the Patriot act saying things like we need to adapt to the times lol politics is what's wrong here
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