LMAO I don't know man. I'm no hippy but if a teacher hit my kid he'd end up in ICU. That's my job his job is to tell me what the kid did wrong
Yeah those days are long gone but the way that a lot of kids are brought up and coddled these days I'm not so sure if teachers being able to spank them would do much to keep them in line.LMAO I don't know man. I'm no hippy but if a teacher hit my kid he'd end up in ICU. That's my job his job is to tell me what the kid did wrong
Yeah those days are long gone but the way that a lot of kids are brought up and coddled these days I'm not so sure if teachers being able to spank them would do much to keep them in line.
When we were in elementary school the teachers would smack our hands with rulers,spank us and so forth but we were of a different mindset than the kids of today.A lot of them are a bunch of surly young cuss's who seem to be mad at the world.....and don't even know why lol.
Hah!...we had one teacher who would rarely smack us...her thing was to make us stand up and hold a stack of books for periods of time.She seemed to really get a kick out of that.Lmaooo sister Rosalie was my 1st grade teacher bro she was lighting fast with that ruler
Hah!...we had one teacher who would rarely smack us...her thing was to make us stand up and hold a stack of books for periods of time.She seemed to really get a kick out of that.
Damn,passed out?....Brutal lol.Lmaooo hahaha holy crap that was our principals go to punishment. She made us do that for an entire day...or most of it. She was brutal. One kid passed out if I remember correctly. She once did an in school suspension and put us to work chopping up ice off the side walk. Ugh we all went home with bloody hands. Learned allot from that women. Sadly my kids won't learn these same lessons from there teachers.
Learned allot from that women. Sadly my kids won't learn these same lessons from there teachers.
Hello; Both of you make a good points. To me one is students (likely all people) test to see where the boundaries lie. Punishment that is not brutal after breaking the rules is acceptable to most. I did not like being switched or paddled but when I knew I had done something wrong I accepted it.if it was the teachers that we were fond of who meted out the punishments we didn't complain much
Damn,passed out?....Brutal lol.
Oddly and if I remember correctly,if it was the teachers that we were fond of who meted out the punishments we didn't complain much but if one of the less popular teachers did it we'd complain badly enough to warrant a congressional inquiry!
Hello; Both of you make a good points. To me one is students (likely all people) test to see where the boundaries lie. Punishment that is not brutal after breaking the rules is acceptable to most. I did not like being switched or paddled but when I knew I had done something wrong I accepted it.
I recall when less than 10 years old I fell in the creek next to the house and got wet and muddy. My mom fussed at me while I changed my clothes. I do not recall why I went back to the creek but I did and fell in again. This time my mom warned me to stay away from the creek. I went back and fell in again. Got a very effective switching after that but knew I deserved it.
I wont tell the story this time but have had a former student come back as an adult to tell me how a paddling I administered helped put him on a better path. Go figure.