Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
far as i see it, the news made it something, if they had never said anything about something that was not something, it would not now be something. I have never herd of it till today, now I am sure there a few folks looking it up and wanted to join on that band wagon of nonsense.

either way i did not get the day off for it so means nothing rather something to me.
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.....and he won't steal from anybody else ever again.The store employee was wrong in shooting him but the young man put himself in that situation and he'd probably done so on more than one occasion.
.....and he won't steal from anybody else ever again.The store employee was wrong in shooting him but the young man put himself in that situation and he'd probably done so on more than one occasion.
Hello; One sure way to keep someone from being a thief, I'll grant that.
Not sure how it works for store employees but think a few states let you defend your own property with force.
Not sure I think it was "wrong" to shoot a thief. My general notion is a thief gets what they deserve when things like this happen. The notion that a thief ought to have to consider being killed as a part of being a thief appeals to me. I ought not have to let someone walk off with my stuff.

I have not kept up and must have missed the news on this incident so do not know any details.
Hello; One sure way to keep someone from being a thief, I'll grant that.
Not sure how it works for store employees but think a few states let you defend your own property with force.
Not sure I think it was "wrong" to shoot a thief. My general notion is a thief gets what they deserve when things like this happen. The notion that a thief ought to have to consider being killed as a part of being a thief appeals to me. I ought not have to let someone walk off with my stuff.

I have not kept up and must have missed the news on this incident so do not know any details.
I agree with your points but in the eyes of the law it is wrong to pursue someone and shoot them after they have left your presence and are no longer a threat to you....which is pretty much what happened in this case,acording to the link.
shoot them after they have left your presence and are no longer a threat to you
Hello; I also get what you say as being possible under the law. Again I confess ignorance of this particular incident.
I may be confused but how can someone be out of your presence and still be shot?

I also get that the thief may not be a threat of immediate physical harm but seem to think we have the right to protect our property as well as our lives, at least in some more enlightened states.
Is the idea supposed to be that a thief gets to take my stuff and I can do nothing if he/she is walking away? Seems like an open invitation to come on back again when the thief wants more of my stuff.
Well,I guess the victim was temporarily outside of the shooter's presence....until the shopkeeper pursued and shot him.The victim stole something and then left the store....and the idea is to somehow effectively stop or prevent would be theives from stealing your stuff in the first place.
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Biblically as well if you believe in that.

We need to put more value on human life. I think that's a big problem these days. I'm all for self defense, but there has to be a line.
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Biblically as well if you believe in that.

We need to put more value on human life. I think that's a big problem these days. I'm all for self defense, but there has to be a line.
Hello; I value human life for the most part. Terrorists, people who do mass murder, child molesters, people who rape, thieves, and some more, I do not value so much.
I am supposed to let someone take my stuff and do nothing about it?? I have no desire to hurt anyone, but I do not want my stuff taken. it use to be in many places that a home owner and his/her family had to retreat out a window if a thief broke in. Not that way in some places now.