Hello; As stated it is not my call if or who gets banned. it will be the mods, not me
Hello; At the very least the discussion is no longer political and that is much safer for the thread. So if it helps protect the thread then go after me.
Lmaooo now mention others. Hahah you really are a funny guy. You routinely speak of guns, politics, and probably a host of other touchy subjects but now are pointing the finger and saying we need to protect the thread. I've tapped out of many discussions in the past because of the thread so I won't start apologizing now for adding a couple of posts past what you or anyone else on this thread deems acceptable since we are all kind of guilty from time to time.. Have a little self respect and just stop typing for a little while. Step away from the key board. I know you don't see it but your looking incredibly hypocritical and I almost feel bad for you.
Interesting that your employing one of the libs go to tactics. Try and silence/get rid of and in this case insinuate bans on this that you are either threatened by or dosadisa with.
Step away from the key baord very very slowly lmaooo