It's not bullshit. That is a quotation of the U.S Immigration and Citizenship Services website.
Most at the southern are not applying for asylum. They're just trying to skirt the legal process.
It's not bullshit. That is a quotation of the U.S Immigration and Citizenship Services website.
I can't make a good statement or opinion on how to deal with the ones that are here already. There should be NO new ones though
I'd imagine it's hard to deport those who need to be when judges and other officials don't cooperate with ICE personnel .Another issue irritating me. What happened to deporting 10 million illegals??? We're halfway through your presidency Don, I know there aren't 5 million out, not even a million I bet, where's our wall Don?
I'd imagine it's hard to deport those who need to be when judges and other officials don't cooperate with ICE personnel .
Not disagreeing but all of this is secondary to me. I wanna know 1) why is Obama care still alive 2) why are non ciyiciti collecting social assistance.Another issue irritating me. What happened to deporting 10 million illegals??? We're halfway through your presidency Don, I know there aren't 5 million out, not even a million I bet, where's our wall Don?
I'd imagine it's hard to deport those who need to be when judges and other officials don't cooperate with ICE personnel .
Absolutely disgusting. You guys see the govenors pulling national guard to protest President Trump!? Makes me want to throw up. Jeopardize national security for some crybabies....smh
Of what?It seems like there should be a photo to accompany all of that.
I guess I'm not any kind of 1%er.There's a couple of different 1%ers besides what's been mentioned by J.H
I've seen it in the gang wold. Sometimes a 1% is in the upper echelon of the gang, the highest ranked members.
Other times 1%ers are the few members that know information about things that only 1% of the worlds population is allowed to have access to. Some real conspiracy theory stuff
What bickering?Hello; How do I set up a way for those reading a thread to vote on something? Such as how many vote for Jaws and I to bicker in this thread some more. I suspect it may be only for new threads and likely will not work for an established thread.
How about this;
A = quote this line if you want more bickering.
B = quote this line if you have had enough.
A stronger meaning then I used. Xenophobic can just mean put off by anyone who looks different from what you are used to.Phobic (irrationally afraid) of foreigners
From crossing deserts and such, a baby shouldn't be left in 107 degree heat or hidden in sawdustFrom leaving their children in a hot car?
I've always called them illegals...always will...same with the kids......notice I didn't use the word immigrant.The media has been using that word in their commentary to make it appear that people are anti immigrant .