Not Target, They let men go in girl's bathrooms
Hello; Did not know that.
I dont get the whole thing that a bunch of weirdos and assorted strange people shop at Walmart.
Hello; Most of the month folks are normal enough at the local Wal-Mart. Come the 1st to the 3rd of the month here in Appalachia things change. Sometimes called check days. One those days it gets very crowded and no telling what you might see.
folks keep them selves in poverty, better your self you will have a better life. Aint nobody making any body work at wallmart, its a choise.
Hello; This.
reportedly they could be trapped in there until the fall.
They are supposedly a mile or more in
coach took them in when it was dry, and while in monsoon type rain fell and trapped them in, the rains and such will stay that way for months
Hello; There are several cave systems in my area. Limestone karst formations. Back in my youth I explored several. One near Pennington Gap VA. is large. With some friends we hiked thru passages for eight hours. Passages mostly large enough to drive a truck thru and then some tight places. We camped and slept a few hours and then explored side passages for several hours.
TN, KY, and VA where I live do not have a monsoon season but I have been in caves that had water level changes. My take is these people are in a bad bind. Those caves might fill completely from time to time. I also do not see them staying healthy for such a long time in a wet cave. I guess an attempt might be tried to teach them to dive but I just do not know enough to even guess at the odds for success.
Caves are dangerous places and this is a bad situation.