Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

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human that had a life span of about 10,000 years. He could talk to the world leaders about what he's seen and what to do incase we start repeating ourselves.
Hello; You at least have a vivid imagination. Since this is pure fantasy my guess is the person would take over.
world leaders were clones of 1 immortal person that would always do the best and not try to do anything for his own greed. Can you see any potential flaws in it?
Hello; clones of an immortal with only pure and good intentions huh? Why not just wish for a horn of plenty that spouts out all the things we will ever need.

I meant to say that they all thought alike.

Well I meant their morals and what they stood for. Like they all stood for good
Hello; Interesting posts but they have nothing to do with the real world. Were are stuck with flawed humans.
Well skj, it's fun to dream I guess.
I recently read about scores of dead sealife washing up on several beaches in Florida.....sea turtles,dolphin,fish....even manatee.Viper,what do you know about this?
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How do you get the clothes on your back or supplies to maintain a fish tank ?

B/c I'm a minor.
Seriously? The blueprints for building a nuke are online, and have been for a while, has anyone nuked yet, no.

And saying our rights have limits, is the way of a tyrant, that path only leads to oppression

Our rights do have limits FYI. For example freedom of speech and fire in the theater example.
Inheritance or rich mommy and daddy?
The kids of the richest people in the world wouldn't have to work if they saved enough of their "allowance" aka more then a normal working persons pay check

News flash, MILLIONS of people around the world don't have to support themselves. They're called minors. Sounds like you're projecting.
Btw it's illegal to have a nuke..... so bad example ;)

That was my point. If the 2nd amendment did not have any limits to it, then anyone who could pay could have nukes.
I imabot

Do you live with parents ?

How do get the clothes on your back ? Or supplies needed to maintain a fish tank ?

Do you go to school ?

How do you spend your spare time ?

Where'd he go ? Thought I saw him viewing this thread.

2.minor so parents support me. I have just a 20g so the costs aren't that high.
4. reading mostly.
Yeah,he does have a point, Hell, a cop dont need a sidearm when he's got a bunch of them secured within his vehicle....all he'd have to do is get to them while someone is trying to turn him into swiss cheese.I don't know where you live but I damned sure hope that you are nowhere near where that nut is running for office as it sure sounds like he's got your vote!,go find a link to post to prove me wrong!

I think his point was that they don't need a specific side arm if they already have guns in their car and they can take it with them if they think they need it. I just pointed out that he isn't calling for a blanket ban and you take that as a endorsement. Calm down.
B/c I'm a minor.

Our rights do have limits FYI. For example freedom of speech and fire in the theater example.

News flash, MILLIONS of people around the world don't have to support themselves. They're called minors. Sounds like you're projecting.

That was my point. If the 2nd amendment did not have any limits to it, then anyone who could pay could have nukes.

2.minor so parents support me. I have just a 20g so the costs aren't that high.
4. reading mostly.

I think his point was that they don't need a specific side arm if they already have guns in their car and they can take it with them if they think they need it. I just pointed out that he isn't calling for a blanket ban and you take that as a endorsement. Calm down.

So let me understand this :

You don't support yourself

Don't work/pay taxes

Contribute next to nothing to society

Have 0 real life experience and base your opinions from the internet most likely

From what I understand you do no volunteer work even though you seem to deeply care (wink wink) about a few social issues.

Yet after all of this you come on here and lecture adults who have based their opinions on REAL LIFE events.

Come back after you've grown up a bit and stop mooching off of mommy and daddy. Maybe after you get a job and take a look at your paycheck and wonder "mhh where does that money they take in taxes really go"?

Your a little kid who should get outside more. Maybe go to the park and interact with people. CNN and MSNBC ate destroying your entire generation. At least my kids will do fine in life if they are competing with the likes of you.
News flash, MILLIONS of people around the world don't have to support themselves. They're called minors. Sounds like you're projecting
And I'm part of those MILLIONS.
If 1 thing gets through your thick head through your visit to mfk, I hope it's that you need to learn not to try to pick fights with people older then you. They will beat you down with knowledge and experience most of the time.
Do you think I don't want to argue with some of these people? I do. I don't because I know there is most likely something they know that I don't know that will prove whatever point I was trying to make invalid.
I'd recommend staying out of "grown up" conversations and topics until you are said grown up with experience in it. I do for the most part but when I do venture into that territory I remain respectful and listen to everyone before saying something.
Deadliestviper7 Deadliestviper7 please come soon man, I can't wait to hear your response.