Sound the Purge alarm!
This seems to be a coolly headed argument, but your previous posts have prevented it from being taken seriously. Wait a bi, and keep talking like this, and you will (hopefully) get a legitimate answer.
Our wacko D.A. stopped as well,along with prostitution.I swear,all these leftist D.A.'s must all hang out and get high in the same bath house!Heard that Manhatten D.A will no longer prosecute smoking marijuana in public.
Our wacko D.A. stopped as well,along with prostitution.I swear,all these leftist D.A.'s must all hang out and get high in the same bath house!
Goodness gracious,half a mil a month!"Tyler Blevins of Taylor, otherwise known as The Ninja, is a 27-year-old American Twitch streamer and internet personality. He makes $500,000 a month from Twitch subscriptions, according to Crain's Detroit Business"
So let me understand this :
You don't support yourself
Don't work/pay taxes
Contribute next to nothing to society
Have 0 real life experience and base your opinions from the internet most likely
From what I understand you do no volunteer work even though you seem to deeply care (wink wink) about a few social issues.
Yet after all of this you come on here and lecture adults who have based their opinions on REAL LIFE events.
Come back after you've grown up a bit and stop mooching off of mommy and daddy. Maybe after you get a job and take a look at your paycheck and wonder "mhh where does that money they take in taxes really go"?
Your a little kid who should get outside more. Maybe go to the park and interact with people. CNN and MSNBC ate destroying your entire generation. At least my kids will do fine in life if they are competing with the likes of you.
The entire police force in a small Massachusetts town up and resigned this past Monday evening due to working conditions and various safety concerns.
He's asking you to consider his thoughts anyway and being honest about himself, and you are refusing to do it. At least it's better then the earlier namecalling and baiting, but even so....Man seriously. It must have been bad for them to walk away from the Bennie's and pension.
Nope can't relate. I was working at 13. My kids want something they earn it with chores. They are much younger than 14 btw.
I got a 14 yr old telling me where to find out how my tax dollars are being spent. He routinely misses the point...maybe conveniently. His only legit gripe is my usage of "your" yup I'm guilty I'm to lazy to hit the extra character and don't care lol
Kid goes from posting about how to get mommy and daddy to let him keep a bigger tank to lecturing us about politics and social issues. Sorry but life experience is the best way to formulate an opinion.
Heard that Manhatten D.A will no longer prosecute smoking marijuana in public.
What's wrong with pot? I have never smoked it, and never intend to ($$$ & I do not trust the sources), but I have good, secondhand experience with it, and do not see how it is even as bad as wine or beer. I se no need to enforce such stupid laws.Our wacko D.A. stopped as well,along with prostitution.I swear,all these leftist D.A.'s must all hang out and get high in the same bath house!