Same, dozens actually ^
Yes it is.Well winter is coming
What are you guys planning on reading?Same, dozens actually ^
It gets easier as you go.I have a lot of young adult type books and the rest are about infamous people in history like hitler or ghengis khan and some are about fish that are too complicated for me to truly understand yet.
Battle royale
Is now, many books are made into movies, jaws, Jurassic park, etcIsn't that a movie?
Read that in middle school , agreed the end was sad, personally I think he did it because he cared(trying not to spoil the end, so vague talk).Ahh, the hobbit was a good read. Anyone else read "of mice and men"? It's a fantastic read about a mentally disabled man and another man who looks after him traveling around the country side looking for work and trying their best to stay out of trouble that the mentally retarded man gets them into by accident. The end is sad though, won't spoil it.