Damned right it would have been.....and to Hell with accountability,the man was being put to death.
Well, even if you agree with the death penalty or not, violation of protocol is not acceptable.
Damned right it would have been.....and to Hell with accountability,the man was being put to death.
Hello; So???experienced the feeling of choking, drowning in his own fluids, suffocating, being buried alive, and the burning sensation caused by the injection of the potassium chloride.”
Hello; I get it.to Hell with accountability,the man was being put to death.
.....and just how does the doctor know which feelings that the man was experiencing?....not that I care anything about what the guy was supposedly experiencing.Hello; So???
Hello; Yes it should be kept in mind the doctor has a very clear agenda. A lot of speculation on the doctors part which we are, I suspect, supposed to accept as gospel just because he is a doctor......and just how does the doctor know which feelings that the man was experiencing?....not that I care anything about what the guy was supposedly experiencing.
.....and it wouldn't be an isssue if the scenario I described were the case.
Hello; So???
Hello; I get it.
.....and just how does the doctor know which feelings that the man was experiencing?....not that I care anything about what the guy was supposedly experiencing.
Hello; Yes it should be kept in mind the doctor has a very clear agenda. A lot of speculation on the doctors part which we are, I suspect, supposed to accept as gospel just because he is a doctor.
I guess by now it is clear that, to me, even if all the doctors scare tactic stuff is true, it does not matter.
That reminds me of the satelite video footage of terrorists being blown up in the desert.Here's a video to the end of the Austin Bomber.I couldn't link the video.