Think of payday and it will be easier
School on the other hand.. urgh
I never really minded school past 8th grade, seeing as that's when my teachers stopped being a-holes and would let me sleep a lot lol. Still passed every class with above 80 average, peoe would be really mad I'd sleep all class and still get good grades it got to the point they'd announce what I got on the test to the whole class and the "nerds" would cry out in frustration. It also got to the point they thought I was cheating and would take my phone and put me in an empty room. Maintained the average though so they gave up. I was more of a person people cheated off of haha
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Think of payday and it will be easier
School on the other hand.. urgh
I was in same boat. Talked to girls or drew in class, didn't do all my homework but aced every test and often accused of cheating....but people would pay me to copy my HW or copy off my tests. Good times.
BTW I consider myself a nerd in certain respects, the use of the word is.not a negative to me. Maybe a better word would have been teachers pets
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Basically threw away my whole school career in about a minute today. **** great.