Official Petsmart Kamfa Flowerhorn Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I bought this guy yesterday at PetSmart. never had a FH before but it caught my eye. It's about 2.25" and banged glass at the store. Crappy pic but it looked to have a lot of potential.

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looks similar to the one I have.....kept it alone for 4 months and the kok kept growing, moved it in with some other big husky fish and the kok shrank back down to a mere slope.
That happens sometimes, when their environment is disturbed, if they become stressed or loose dominance. This one will be housed by itself I want to see how it develops, if it has a personality like my old labiatus "Psycho" he will be kept as a wet pet, otherwise it will be gone. You weren't around when I had Psyco but he was 13" of pure evil. I lost him during a 10 day power outage after a hurricane Irene.
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That happens sometimes, when their environment is disturbed, if they become stressed or loose dominance. This one will be housed by itself I want to see how it develops, if it has a personality like my old labiatus "Psycho" he will be kept as a wet pet, otherwise it will be gone. You weren't around when I had Psyco but he was 13" of pure evil. I lost him during a 10 day power outage after a hurricane Irene.
how dominant fish in the tank I moved him to is a partially-psychotic female RD that's not sure if she wants to mate with him or kill him

Was yours male or female?
Yes that was a young Trimac female. I had to remove it, I tought a female might mellow him out it it only enraged him further. I think this fish needed a 300 gallon tank. He own half the family room if you got within 10 ft of the tank he flaired up and started hitting the glass, very entertaining, but scary at the same time if you weren't expecting it.
So I got this cichlid a while ago and they said it was a flowerhorn. I'm not sure if that's actually right. Everytime I went back the flowerhorn looked different.. can anyone help me ID this?

I posted these pics in the sticky thread for red Texas / flowerhorn but I guess I should have posted here instead since its a "post your PK flowerhorn pics" thread.

I just picked up this fish last week from a LFS and she is at least 12 inches long and close to 6 inches tall. She is huge or at least I am guessing she is female due to the black on the dorsal fin and no big kok. She obviously is partial flowerhorn due to the markings and has a faded flower so if male I would expect some kok. She has a veja body shape though and since she is so large I am guessing there is Veja of some sort mixed in. After seeing others pics I am starting to think this fish could have originally come from Petsmart as a PK flowerhorn which still just means it's a mutt.

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She's beastly beautiful
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If you got a Kamfa Flowerhorn from Petsmart post it here. As many of you are aware, Petsmart now sells Red Texas and Flowerhorn. But for some reason Kamfa Flowerhorn is being mixed up and sold as Red Texas. Mind you this thread is only for Kamfa Flowerhorn and not the typical Flowerhorn purchased there.