OMFG Teen Made Cell Phone Calls to Mother While Being Eaten by Bear in Siberia

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 22, 2011
As a Dad I couldn't even begin to image what this women is going through. You hope to always be able to protect your children from everything but this is the cold hard realities of life. This isn't a post about killing Bears and especially not stupid people, it is always easy to pass judgement. this is a post about a tragic end of two lives and the horror a parent had to face during it!


MFK Member
Jun 10, 2008
Boise, ID
Wow that is so horrible. And the poor girl, ALMOST AN HOUR later the girls last call came in -- so she was eaten alive by bears, for an hour, before she died - SO horrible.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2005
As a Dad I couldn't even begin to image what this women is going through. You hope to always be able to protect your children from everything but this is the cold hard realities of life. This isn't a post about killing Bears and especially not stupid people, it is always easy to pass judgement. this is a post about a tragic end of two lives and the horror a parent had to face during it!

THIS IS THE SMARTEST THING ANYONE HAS SAID IN THIS THREAD YET TO DATE. I have a son in a wheelchair. Love him to death. Couldnt imagin loseing him like that. Hell im worried bout him being in hospital right now during this hurcane. People need to understand bad things happen to good people all the time. The girl and father only went back to the fishing spot to grab a pole. and this happen to them. If the bears hadnt ate them i agree just protecting the cubs. and they shouldnt have been killed. But they ate them . And now they are man killer man eaters. And these animals. Just couldnt be trusted to live any longer.

For the people who think its funny. or blame the girl and father. I dont wish u to be eaten . But i hope u slam your hand in the car door next time u get in . So you feal stupid!

And yeah my grammer spelling sucks.

Lepisosteus platyrhincus

MFK Member
Nov 9, 2008
In the caiman den

Death Pony

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I felt a little sick to my stomach reading that. Yet another reason to never move to Siberia.

Red Devil

Nice to meet you and welcome to MFK
Staff member
MFK Member
Feb 23, 2006
United states of America
I have to call this a bogus story.
like any other predator animal..they will not eat anything alive, they have to kill they prey as quick as they can which wont take long.
its just their instinct for their own safety, take a well known man eating snake for instance, tiger, lion etc, they all will kill them prey first before making them a meal.
and cell tower in in the nowhere of saberia? they would be lucky to have running electricity, heck even in US down in the wood 99% of the time you dont have signal
now this is reality to me..


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 9, 2011
It's been said that "Truth is stranger than fiction". I never thought for a moment that the story wasn't real. That's got to be one of the worst ways to die. This makes me want to ask the people who live in that area a few questions. Like.....Were they used to seeing bears around that area? Is that area a regular fishing spot? And the article said there've been others killed by bears lately in Russia....I'd like to know how far away or close by - the other people were killed by bears. Not that it matters, after your Loved Ones are gone. But maybe they didn't know they were in 'Bear Territory' or whatever? It's sickening for us, and the starving animals too. *Their normal prey/food is easily scared away from new homes/construction, while the predators are not so easily scared, because it's their territory/home. It's only going to occur more often, as we take more land from them.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2005
Of all the possible scenarios, at the top of the list would be the one where a parent learns something tragic has happened to their child. Perhaps no parent understands this more than Tatiana Moskalyova.
Tatiana’s 19-year-old daughter, Olga, called her mother as she was being eaten alive by a brown bear and her three cubs. All Tatiana could hear was her daughter screaming, “Mum, the bear is eating me! Mum, it’s such agony. Mum, help!” with the sound of the bears in the background chewing and growling.
Olga managed to call her mother on three separate occasions. The UK Express reports:
In a second call, a weak Olga gasped: “Mum, the bears are back. She came back and brought her three babies. They’re… eating me”.
Finally, in her last call – almost an hour after the first – Olga sensed she was on the verge of death.
With the bears having apparently left her to die, she said: “Mum, it’s not hurting anymore. I don’t feel the pain. Forgive me for everything, I love you so much.”
The last call cut out, and that was the last time the anguished mother heard from her daughter. The attack happened near the village of Termalniy, in the extreme east of Siberia. According to the Express report, it’s the latest in a growing problem of bear attacks in the region.
Olga was out with her stepfather, Igor, at the time. He was killed in the attack first when the momma bear overpowered him, broke his neck and then smashed his skull. The stepfather and daughter had gone to retrieve a fishing rod that Igor had left. Olga watched the attack on her father and attempted to flee, but she was chased down by the bear and attacked as well.
“My daughter was such fun. She was so cheerful, friendly, and warm,” said Tatiana. “She had graduated from music school, and just days before the bear attack she got her driving licence.”
The skeptic in us has our radar up over the notion that a girl would dig out her cellphone to call her mother as she was getting ATTACKED BY A BEAR. But if this is an accurate account of what happened, our hearts go out to the mother who lost both her daughter and husband and had to endure what was likely the most painful phone conversation of her life, something that she will never be able to forget

Read more:

The Real 118

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 30, 2009
note to self keep phone on me at all times when bears are about
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