"orange" uaru ??


MFK Member
Jan 24, 2010
Lake Tahoe, ca
I was looking at some photos of these so called orange uaru I don't see any differance really. I saw a few photos of uaru that where more silver grey then some photos of uaur that were more brown with some orange I guess.

I have 2 uaur I got for free . I had to rescue them. I think might be this orange kind but I don't know. Here are some photos don't mind they look like hell I know but they are getting better. Poor things were not cared for at all they never got wc.

Also if the 2 I have are always together could they be a pair? They get along so well.

They are 5".


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 23, 2007
kennesaw, ga
how large are they? i had 5 in my possession for a little while that i was holding for peter and another local fish keeper. when they're small 3-5" they have an orange throat/chest, that is the easiest way to tell them apart from the regular ones.

as for them being a pair. they are very peaceful and prefer groups so i dont think they would be causing problems even if they were of the same sex. i've never heard of an aggressive uaru


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Sep 27, 2009
Wilmington, NC
i don't know about color variants or them being a pair but GOOD SAVE!!! those poor things look like they have been through hell and back, its awesome that they are finally in a home where they are actually being taken care of :)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 26, 2008
Georgia, US
I was told that the oranges have taller body and the black blotch doesn't go all the way to the tail, but honestly I don't know if that's enough difference to call them a separate species.

I have a pair from Ryan that spawn regularly:

This is what they looked like when they were younger. Like Sean mentioned, they may look more different from "regular" Uarus as juvies:


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2005
New Jersey
For years I thought that the very few Uaru sp. 'orange' I've seen imported were not very different from the commonly distributed U. amphiacanthoides. However, when I imported juveniles, I saw differences in the pattern immediately. They were more 'tiger striped' than common amphiacanthoides juveniles.
When cryptically colored juveniles of the same or similar species appear different, I must admit, they are different. How different? I don't know if they will ever be described as a separate species, but at least I can say I've seen a difference.

It's not unlike the Panama 'green umbie' compared to the Colombian 'blue umbie'.
They are not the same fish. Even as 1" juveniles, the two species appear noticably different when compared to each other.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 26, 2010
Cocoa Beach, FL
Those poor guys look like they may not have much longer to live. I hope for your and the fishes sake, the marks on the head heal up. Ain't much you can do... other than the standard temp raise and salt.

barley pop

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 14, 2006
as you can see from the photos the orange uaru do not have the black triangle that goes all the way to the tail. in all i have ever seen it stops then starts again.

I have kept several regular color Uaru and they very quite a bit in color from gray to a really nice tan color. Also as stated above just because yours are alway hanging out does not mean they are a pair. Uaru love other uaru.

From looking at your photos it looks like yours my be stunted they seem to have very large eyes for the body size.


MFK Member
Jan 24, 2010
Lake Tahoe, ca
These guys are in bad shape. They are doing well now. They eat, swim around, nip at plants. Yes they have the worst case of HITH I have ever seen. Lucky for them the holes are not deep or red nothing oozzing out. I really don't think they are going to die thank you mr negitive. HITH is not a death sentance if you know how to treat it. They Just lived in nasty water too long.

I was wondering is they might become stunted due to them being kept is poor conditions as young fish. One does have a dent at the top of his head. They are 5". So they are just normal uaru? Because I can't see a differance. I just thought some were more silver brown and others more bronze brown. Not that they were differant fish.

I'm doing daily 60% wc feeding them lots of differant foods many plant based. They love blood worms. I'm getting a water treatment that is said to help heal fish. I'm waiting for a new better heater so the water is not as warm as I would like it. The new marinland heater that lights up exploded in the tank that was scary. I was like a bomb went off in the tank. Poor fish they are ok now. The heater cracked my filter with it blow up how I don't know but I fixed it.

Thanks guys for the info.