JaredtheAquarist;1386019; said:Great pond. Well done.
Is that a sturgeon? Thats awesome if it is. I've never seen one mixed with kio. No compatibility problems with the koi? does it eat koi food? Any problems with stress in the summer heat?
Ah thanks Jared, yeah it's a sturgeon. When I first bought him he was only small maybe 6-7 inches and very skinny. He looked like a bit of a predator and I did worry here might cause trouble with the koi, but he complete opposite actually. He's very friendly with them, rubs off them, swims amongst them. I think at first they were a bit scared of him, but after a few months, I think in his head he thinks he's a koi too! He's pretty big now maybe 24" I've only had him maybe 4 years.
He doesn't eat much koi food, he mainly has sinking pellets for sturgeons. I see a lot of people who struggle to keep them and can't get them to eat, I think the secret is mix up the diet, at first feed 3-4 types of food at once, then once you work out what he likes, just make that his main diet.
My pond fish get two types of koi sticks, two types of sinking pellet and also any leftover bread from dinner.
In the summer haven't noticed any problems, pond is quite deep (around 5ft) so if he wanted to avoid the heat he could go low, but he seems to like it and stays at the surface swimming in circles constantly. I worry about him during the winter months as it gets real cold here and some ponds completely freeze over if the current isn't strong enough. But yeah he's spent 3 or 4 winters out there and no problems.
If your thinking of getting one, you really should! Koi ponds are great, but adding a sturgeon really adds life to the pond.There such great fish, always active and seem very easy to tame, can rub his belly and that sort of thing. I'll post more pic's in a few months when summer's in.