Or if you can find a good real wood dresser they can hold a small fish tank. Upto about a 40 breeder I'd reckon.
Yep, easy to find, the dresser I was talking about are the ones with glass fronts that people put China plates and stuff in, seen a lot of awesome tanks for critters made from thoseOr if you can find a good real wood dresser they can hold a small fish tank. Upto about a 40 breeder I'd reckon.
The biggest I used was for a 55. The height on the legs matched 4x4 landscaping timbers. So, I ran 2 to help relieve the weight off the legs. Nowdays I'm using the dresser for my bedroom TV stand.The old dressers are pretty sturdy but I'm not too sure about the newer ones with the cheap cardboard backs.I have a 75 gallon running that has been on a dresser for years.