Petco/petsmart Dumpster Diving, What Have You Found?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Or if you can find a good real wood dresser they can hold a small fish tank. Upto about a 40 breeder I'd reckon.
Or if you can find a good real wood dresser they can hold a small fish tank. Upto about a 40 breeder I'd reckon.
Yep, easy to find, the dresser I was talking about are the ones with glass fronts that people put China plates and stuff in, seen a lot of awesome tanks for critters made from those
The old dressers are pretty sturdy but I'm not too sure about the newer ones with the cheap cardboard backs.I have a 75 gallon running that has been on a dresser for years.
Mind posting a picture of that dresser? I wanna compare it to mine to see if mine is strong enough for what I have planned.
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Good find, I'm stuck waiting for that sale at petco and paying $60 something instead of $55 now :/. I need 2 more 55's and a 40 breeder then I'm done... I swear! Ok I'm lying :p. I won't ever be done :D
The old dressers are pretty sturdy but I'm not too sure about the newer ones with the cheap cardboard backs.I have a 75 gallon running that has been on a dresser for years.
The biggest I used was for a 55. The height on the legs matched 4x4 landscaping timbers. So, I ran 2 to help relieve the weight off the legs. Nowdays I'm using the dresser for my bedroom TV stand.
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Get a above ground pool (not inflatable)
Makes a great pond, and allows fish more room.
Cheaper as well, which is a plus.
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Nice dresser. If that can hold a 75 then mine should be able to hold a 40 breeder easily.
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