Petco/petsmart Dumpster Diving, What Have You Found?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Petco,Petsmart and other big lfs chains have rooms where they store aquariums and even filters to normally be sent back to their warehouse. It would be worth asking if they had anything they didn't want.
I always wondered about "the backroom" where they store stuff. I just thought they would keep all that stuff until they decide to have a sale.

Luckily, I have a friend there who usually orders fish that aren't usually ordered, kinda like a special order. He also lets me know what's comin in next. I'll see when I can go so I can ask him about where they put all of those tanks. I know he wouldn't take one for himself because he's been trying to get rid of all his stuff for personal reasons. That's why he gave me his GT for $2 and is about to sell me his 29 with lid, light, substrate, and heater (he didn't use a filter because it was basically a livewell) for $30.
check out this app called offer up. I got a 75 gallon tank a stand, marine land led 36" light, fluval aquasky 46" led light, gravel, vacuum filters, undergravel filter, powerheads, decor, floss filter pads etc all for 60$... edit: also you can filter a tank for really cheap, a 2 large sponges with a power head and a air line on the other will do amazingly with a weekly water change.
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Im nominating this for TOTM.
LOL!....just noticed your post today.I mainly use it as a "grow out" tank.

I like it. Smart, and cost effective!
Thank you.I think it was left behind in the house when we closed on it so it kind of fell right into you can see it houses a lot of my aquarium supplies,books.....medications and conditioners in the top drawer,filter parts in the middle,and artificial ornaments in the bottom.The left side holds more filter parts.

That's not really a dresser. More like a t.v. stand with drawers. Those supports in the middle is what saves you along with solid wood construction.

I got an sos from a friend. When I arrived his 55 (i told him don't do it) had crashed through 2 drawer sections then broke and dumped 55g's in his bedroom. His dressers had little cheap posts with brackets that his drawers slid on
That's not really a dresser. More like a t.v. stand with drawers. Those supports in the middle is what saves you along with solid wood construction.

I got an sos from a friend. When I arrived his 55 (i told him don't do it) had crashed through 2 drawer sections then broke and dumped 55g's in his bedroom. His dressers had little cheap posts with brackets that his drawers slid on seems to be a bit long for a tv stand but, it could be.Your friend's failed set up sounds like one of those cheapo modern pieces that I wouldn't give a second look.