• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

plans for the weekend - /\/\onster canister set up

2" of EhfiMech is 5L; 2" of Ehfifix is possibly 3L, as it will compress a bit and 6" of Ehfi substrat pro is 15L. These are the basic media recommendations for the 2260/2262 filter.

I have a 2080 on my 180, now I have the 2260, I was going to shorten the inlets on the 2080 so they only go half wall down the tank to avoid sucking up fish poop and the idea is to use the 2080 only for bio.

I have modded the pump on the 2260 from being the 1260 to the 1262 by changing the pump face and volute to get the higher flow rates.

My plan is to use the 2260 for mainly mechanical, how/what would u you recommend to stack my 2260 with so it was more mechanical?

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I have a 2080 on my 180, now I have the 2260, I was going to shorten the inlets on the 2080 so they only go half wall down the tank to avoid sucking up fish poop and the idea is to use the 2080 only for bio.

I have modded the pump on the 2260 from being the 1260 to the 1262 by changing the pump face and volute to get the higher flow rates.

My plan is to use the 2260 for mainly mechanical, how/what would u you recommend to stack my 2260 with so it was more mechanical?

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I'm looking to replace the volute on my 1260 to the 1262, can you you tell me where you got your volute from? I can't seem to find it here in AU and haven't been able to find an online store with it that is willing to ship to AU.

Many Thanks
I'm looking to replace the volute on my 1260 to the 1262, can you you tell me where you got your volute from? I can't seem to find it here in AU and haven't been able to find an online store with it that is willing to ship to AU.

Many Thanks

This guy on ebay is where i get ALL my eheim stuff from when im in Australia!! He is called Spencer, when you message him tell him Mystikgenius pointed you to him.

He can get ANYTHING from eheim at a good price, I also know he supplies Age of Aquariums with all their Eheim stuff! E.G. I wanted MechPRO, in Aus it was $28 per L, he SHIPPED it to me for $12 per L!!!!


Ask him for:

1 x Eheim 7443670 1262 pump cover

I think it was about $6!!!
4D3, I would use 5L of Eheim Ehfi Mech as the bottom layer and then some 20 PPI sponges and maybe a 30 PPI sponge as the final layer. You will just need to figure out how much sponge thickness you'll need to fill the filter cavity properly. Even using filter floss or similar product would trap debris but I would NOT put the floss last as some strands of it may come loose and get wrapped around the pump impeller.
4D3, I would use 5L of Eheim Ehfi Mech as the bottom layer and then some 20 PPI sponges and maybe a 30 PPI sponge as the final layer. You will just need to figure out how much sponge thickness you'll need to fill the filter cavity properly. Even using filter floss or similar product would trap debris but I would NOT put the floss last as some strands of it may come loose and get wrapped around the pump impeller.

Thanks for that,

I have 5l Mech Pro - IS there a difference between Mech and Mech Pro?

I have a 4cm thick block of JapMat that i got from: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190686234016 - Is this stuff ok as the first 20PPI layer?

then i have 2 x 2cm blocks of: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/160837974660?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 - Is this stuff ok as the 30PPI layer?

Then i was going to fill the Eheim 2260 filter bag (The white mesh thing that came inside the filter im guessing for the bio media) with some filter floss, maybe 4cm thick

Then i have some Aquaclay F4-10 and a Second filter bag, that i was going to fill the remaining space in the canister with some Aquaclay F4-10....

Would that work or are my sponges wrong?

Thanks for your advice
Eheim Ehfi Mech is a ceramic hollow noodle. I've never seen the Mech Pro but if it is normally used as coarse filter media, you should be fine.

The 1st link doesn't say what the PPI (pores per inch) of the mat are. I have also never used Japanese Mat in my filters so I can't offer any personal experience with it.

I would think that as long as your filter media goes from coarse (at the bottom of the filter) to progessively finer pored media, you should be fine.
Eheim Ehfi Mech is a ceramic hollow noodle. I've never seen the Mech Pro but if it is normally used as coarse filter media, you should be fine.

The 1st link doesn't say what the PPI (pores per inch) of the mat are. I have also never used Japanese Mat in my filters so I can't offer any personal experience with it.

I would think that as long as your filter media goes from coarse (at the bottom of the filter) to progessively finer pored media, you should be fine.
Eheim Mech Pro, is an updated version of Mech, is it ridged plastic noodles, http://www.eheim.com/en_GB/products/filter-media/mechanical/mechpro It filters finer than Mech, although it is to be used in place of Mech, i.e. at the bottom layer of the filter.
this thread is awesome, I noticed and the beginning of the thread you used that bent hard plastic piece and connected it to the output, do I have to do that, I am halfway in the middle of putting mine up and did not do that, also the 2 whole on the bottem, one has a nozzle fitting the other just a plain whole, which one does the intake hook up to.