Any specific direction to remove the base plate on the eheim pump or does it matter?
Use a hammer (gently) and evenly tap the mounting plate on the bottom of the pump toward the rear of the pump (cord end) and away from the impeller cavity (elbow end). It make take a bit of force but be careful not to break the pump plate since it is plastic.
I made 2 mistakes on my instructions so the correct instructions are above in red. Sorry I didn't proofread it before posting.
Rotating the pump makes a lot of sense to me. I don't understand why Eheim doesn't just make this the standard assembly. Have other people done this? How hard is it really?Why don't you rotate the pump on its mounting plate? It is a pain to slide the pump off its gray plate but well worth it so you have clearance. I had to tap the plate off the pump with a plastic headed hammer so as not to crack it. Here is a pic of what I did so it would fit under my 220 tank.
It also makes it much easier to get the filter out from the stand when it's maintenance time.
How often do people do a simple back-flush? As opposed to opening up the canister to clean media?What do you mean by a service interval?...does that mean thats the next time you will change the media?...and what is your water change schedule when using one of these?
Why is the 2280 a nightmare?2260 is the filter to have. I have one running for more than a year without maintenance. Water flow is enormous.
The 2280, on the other hand, is a nightmare......
I have an Eheim pump already returning water from my sump. The return is right next to the canister inlet, so I just hold the hose against the intake for a moment, and...PRIMED!For initial set-up:
Set it up, hang the suction side into the tank, disconnect the spray bar from the pressure-side hose and suck on the hose as hard and long as you can. Water will enter the canister. Reconnect the spray bar and wait until the canister is full of water. Then plug it in.
For maintenance: Close all quick disconnect valves, clean the filter, hook it all back up. Open the valves on the pressure side first, so that the hose is drained. Then open the valves on the suction side. The filter will automatically fill because of the water that was left in the suction-side hose. Plug in when full.