Here's the top of my sump.
Sent from my XT1080 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
That is Water hyacinth; along with duckweed and not sure what else.
Here's the top of my sump.
Sent from my XT1080 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
That is Water hyacinth; along with duckweed and not sure what else.
ANd what it looks like right now
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None of these plants died in the 6 months (minus the hosta, its a new addition as well as the mint plant)
If you want a nitrate sucker, from my opinion of the last 6 months, arrowheads, throw the pothos out they cant compare to the arrowheads growth. Pothos do come in 2nd place compared to the rest of my stock. Spider plants they dont grow fast enough, you would need way to many plants. I am more excited to see how the hostas respond. SO far its staying perking and d oing fine. If the hosta grows like it does in part sun outside, then its a no contest on who the king nitrate sucker is. Im trying to grow a maple tree in there as well, but first 3 seeds got moldy, so I am gonna try and sprout it in a wet napkin first then stick it in.
The lighting has been and still is being supplied by a 4' shop light with 2 t8 daylight bulbs on for 8.5hrs a day