Plant only filtration (why not popular in the hobby???)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
what worms are you talking about.

if you are worried about the worms drowning in your constant flow system, try black worms. they are fully aquatic, do wonders breaking down waste in a gravel bed, and multiply quickly! therefore providing your plants and fish with sustainable food. when I would do w/c's I would always pull out a bunch and give the fish "treats" for putting up with my hands in the tank lol.

So glad this thread is still up and running! just re-read the whole way through it. A lot of good information on here! Have been using pothos in my tanks for almost 2 years now. Thanks to JK the op.

ITHURTZ man im jealous of your jungle, hoping to model your design for my painted turtles 55 gal. Have you/anyone ever tried Pilea (I have "moon valley") in your system? it is a lowlight high water plant. im about to start experimenting with some cuttings in a HOB. the cuttings are easy to root in jiffy peat pellets tho...

Rivermud thanks for the always helpful info on aquaponics/vermiponics! can we get some update pics on your ebb n flow system?
I've taken down the Fill and Drain system in favor of a larger constant drain bed. I'm currently in the process of gathering materials to incorporate a new stand and possible sump along with a new canopy. The reason I chose to go with constant drain is that in a set of trials conducted over a year they found that the 3 most common systems really did not differ much in production and all three had worms self establish (outdoors). Constant fill is MUCH quieter! The flushing sound is a bit much at times. It is also less complex meaning less chance of failure. A durso standpipe in the grow bed will keep the drain nice and quiet. The only struggle I am having at the moment is to go with an above the tank growbed (see short growing area, 8' ceiling) or above the sump growbed (see floor space). When I figure out which direction I am going to go I will be updating this thread and maybe sharing the building and design in my test tank thread.

On to the original reason I came here. I wanted to share a TED Talks video talking about 3 important plants regarding air quality. I am sure if someone wanted to do the research they could find alternative plants since all plants intake co2 and release oxygen.

I know:( I need to build another story on top and put in skylights LOL, so many ideas so little room up top
Had some very night looking mini lemons. So I broke down and bought an industrial rack for this project. I looked at the price vs my time to diy something and decided to go with the rack. In building a setup with an interconnected hood, growbed and sump I would have had a neat setup that would look good but it would also have been a true monster to ever move. With racking I can break it all down and take it where i want. I can also change the format to include or explude the sump or include twice the growing area. I also bought the inline pump. I guess things are going to start happening soon.
This might be too much torture
