what worms are you talking about.
if you are worried about the worms drowning in your constant flow system, try black worms. they are fully aquatic, do wonders breaking down waste in a gravel bed, and multiply quickly! therefore providing your plants and fish with sustainable food. when I would do w/c's I would always pull out a bunch and give the fish "treats" for putting up with my hands in the tank lol.
So glad this thread is still up and running! just re-read the whole way through it. A lot of good information on here! Have been using pothos in my tanks for almost 2 years now. Thanks to JK the op.
ITHURTZ man im jealous of your jungle, hoping to model your design for my painted turtles 55 gal. Have you/anyone ever tried Pilea (I have "moon valley") in your system? it is a lowlight high water plant. im about to start experimenting with some cuttings in a HOB. the cuttings are easy to root in jiffy peat pellets tho...
Rivermud thanks for the always helpful info on aquaponics/vermiponics! can we get some update pics on your ebb n flow system?