Platinum blood parrot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Before this gets buried:
Here are f1 con x bp. No shortbodies, no self colored yet, mixed phenotype. The fish in this thread is pure shortbody convict. They have been around since the late 1990s. Called jellybean sometimes commercially. The shortbody trait can influence other skeletal system features like mouth and fin shape.
There is a habit of people assuming anything shortbody is a parrot mix. As you can see the fish pictured in the linked thread are actually longer bodied than pure convict and they are parrot crosses.
So is it from China? lol
Death related or something like that I believe...
In this case it could be Chinese because they breed true and take the 'ol dip and dye like champs.
I love shorbody cons and this one is a beast.
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