Please post all your wolffish here...any type also can!!

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Tigriuns™;3831022; said:
Just measure it is 13" I am still thinking of the width should I get 60cm or 75cm.... shifting it to the bigger tank will be a problem... never kept such a fish that want to knock me down the moment I am close to the tank....
For the width i personally would get the 75's up to you....

A 13" hoplias aimara COOPED up in that small of a holding tank, bound to want to knock you down when you are close to its tank OR bite you through the glass.....I dont blame it or not at all surprised that your aimara seems so ill-tempered right off the bat.......A buddy of mine purchased a 30 cm orinoco aimara(now,36 cm)about the same time as I did and it seems a bit more content in its present 220 gallon as opposed to my 20 incher in its 120 gal(which i have plans to upgrade to a 270 g soon) for shifting it to your bigger tank...try using a SOCK net.....or net it with a regular 12" net WHEN it is in a CALM mood.....I just netted a piece of leftover food from the bottom of my aimara's tank and the aimara shot up and thrashed the small 3" net to shreds,near the water surface of the tank...when he launched at the net.....twice...he slightly,DISLODGED the 30-40 pound sheet of wood that i use to weigh its lid down:WHOA:......Good luck when you net him....cheers:).


MFK Member
Sep 6, 2007
wow it's really wolf season here innit. looking good tig. you'd have to use a rat trap to move that thing:ROFL::screwy:


MFK Member
Mar 7, 2008
nice pickups Tigriuns, congrats.
that is one crazy mean aimara.
I say wider tank is always better, go with the 75cm width or wider if you can unless you plant to move it again when it out grows that tank. it'll be harder cuz it's bigger.
to move it see if you can drain most of the water out and carry the holding tank to the big tank and dump the wolf into the new tank, may want to cover up the tank so that it can't see or it will get all crazy. this way you don't have to take it out of the tank and risk it jump out of the net, just make sure you keep the tank covered, will be a good idea to have someone help you during the move.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nice video BRY!! Thanks for sharing!

funny thing,my aimara exhibits the same feeding habits especially with sole and silversides....I have better luck with jumbo prawns n atlantic salmon.

I knew someone owned another 20" hoplias aimara in Eastern that other 16"ncher hoplias aimara of yours...

Good job scoring 2!:headbang2:headbang2


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
jp80911;3832000; said:
nice pickups Tigriuns, congrats.
that is one crazy mean aimara.
I say wider tank is always better, go with the 75cm width or wider if you can unless you plant to move it again when it out grows that tank. it'll be harder cuz it's bigger.
to move it see if you can drain most of the water out and carry the holding tank to the big tank and dump the wolf into the new tank, may want to cover up the tank so that it can't see or it will get all crazy. this way you don't have to take it out of the tank and risk it jump out of the net, just make sure you keep the tank covered, will be a good idea to have someone help you during the move.
Been there done that.GOOD suggestion jp80911.Since your holding tank is small(approx. 20 gal,right?)....,just get somebody to help you.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2007
south east asia
congrats tig!!!
did you get in on the order with TRIX from AF?
this guy cost 2000SGD?
i wouldve got one...but i cant afford it.:cry:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 27, 2007
[YT]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YT]

Any idea which river it look like?
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