Pleco question L24, L25, L600 and L114


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2008
wingate2581;2445418; said:
I really think thats a good idea for the sake of the plecos. They might become stressed without any hiding spots. BTW, this tank is going to be incredible!!:drool: IME with the L-114, I would also invest in some lunar lights if you dont already have them. Not saying you will experience the same behaviors, but if you have other larger fish in there, that may make them stay that much more nocturnal.
What's a lunar light? I never leave any lights on in any of my tanks during the night. Is it essential for plecos or something?

I have located L-114 in Bangkok, Thailand but don't know the price yet... anyway, gotta settle in these first


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 24, 2007
horseheads, ny
They are not essential. They are usually a type of small blue LED light. they will make the tank light up with a blue glow that does not disturb the fish and will allow you to observe your more nocturnal species. I have them on one of my tanks and I really like them. Shop around, there are many different kinds. Usually sold for reef tanks.


MFK Member
Jun 29, 2006
CanadaPleco;2436237; said:
LOTS of current is good, the more the better. I have a mag drive 18 in a 90 gallon tank for mine. L114 are on the ban list as are most of the others. L114 and L600 have been known to interbreed, and I suspect it is possible with the others as well.
L-114 are not on the ban list in Michigan you can get them periodically. Beutiful pleco and a real scrapper. Most of the other pseudocanthicas species are on the ban list and that really blows. LOL:cry:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 13, 2006
Allan01230;2446731; said:
L-114 are not on the ban list in Michigan you can get them periodically. Beutiful pleco and a real scrapper. Most of the other pseudocanthicas species are on the ban list and that really blows. LOL:cry:

they are on the ban list in brazil and are no longer being exported!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Diego
a few things:

1. don't take that crappy, sarcastic, holier than thou tone with me. If I'm wrong, so be it, but don't place words in my mouth about me stating my superiority over unnamed exporters or Mr. Seidel. If you insist, though, I'll shoot Ingo an email tomorrow morning. I would indeed like to know what's going on with the recent exports.

2. That being said, L-114 is guilty of being misidentified as p. leopardus which is not on the list...from what I recall, it is the only pseudacanthicus that is not banned from export as of IBAMA's mid '08 report. The recent revision is long overdo, but I have not been following the scene for a while, so it is possible that the new list has finally come out, which could make me wrong.

Here's a copy of the last version I have:


michel janio li

MFK Member
Dec 11, 2008
Well I have to say.. L114(Pseudacanthicus leopardus) is on the safe list(list fromthe fish that are allowed to catch and export).. Anyother Pseudacanthicus from Brasil cannot be exported.... But Brasil is not the SouthAmerica.... Don't confuse this... Other Peudacanthicus from other countries like the L282 can be ... And why people try to hide the real truth ???? Hypancistrus, Pseudacanthicus and Panaque still been illegally exported.. And doesn't matter if those fishes are illegal only in Brasil, the origin of the fish are wrong anyway... Well I have the L24,L25 and L114 (and I have L160, L85, L97 and L273) ... They are territorial and the dont like veggie food (Sometimes the chew some zuchini or cucumber). They are all Pseudacanthicus but they are so different from each other .. The L114, L97 ad L160 are more resistant than the others... But my favorit is the L25..


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 13, 2006
COL, Ingo said to everyone that all pseudacanthicus from Brazil are now banned for export. Yes I know that they are still being exported as are zebras and many other hypans, but they are getting harder to come by now as a lot of importers don't want to risk being caught and losing their shipments.

michel janio li, I do also know that neighboring countries export fish that are illegal in the other with no problems.

All I am really saying is that they will get more expensive and harder to come by. Ingo did indeed say at the catfish convention 2008 that they are banned though. As did Oliver L at Belowwater say all pseudas are banned too :( its sucks. but such is life I guess.