Polypterus Bichir Bichir?


Hydrolycus Armatus
MFK Member
Jan 7, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Where can i get a CB one in Canada or the US?? i just want one that smaller?? Can someone post apic of one?? are the patterns worst?? Can I put a 12 inch PBB with my 5 inch bichirs that I have now??


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2009
If you want a CB Bichir Bichir that looks really good, they you will be paying not much different to what you could get a WC one for.
The Indo PBB, (IMO) are of very low quality.
If you can find an older F1 Kamihata, then that's as good as you will get when it comes to CB PBB.
Otherwise you can get the more available Kamihata PBB (with the black cert), though these are not F1, and while still nicer than the Indos, not quite up to the red/white certed Kamihata.

If I were you, go for wild.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Sep 15, 2009
Spend 2 seconds reading around here. Email or call rehoboth aquatics.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 11, 2006
for those wondering where to get them, if you're in the US or Canada (i.e. outside Japan/Asia), just contact Toyin for a WC Chad one, he's the only one i know of who has it in the US (and most likely North America). There's almost zero chance that you'll be able to get a Kamihata one shipped from Japan. As TGM mentioned, the older F1 Kamihata are very nice, but even if you're lucky enough to source one in Japan, you're gonna have to find someone experienced to ship it to you (the store won't bother with 1 or 2 fish), and then you have to take care of all the customs paperwork on your end to import it. International shipping is gonna be $$ as well. I actually almost got a Kamihata one 3-3.5 years ago, the guy (he's a private hobbyist) sent me pics of the fish he bought for me and the certificate. Beautiful fish! In the end though, shipping was a b**** to arrange (partly due to me being in Detroit as opposed to like LA or NYC), and we just couldn't find a way to make it work, so he ended up keeping it.

If you're in Asia, especially Singapore, then you have bigger chance of getting the more common Kamihata (i.e. not the older F1), since there are stores in Singapore that could get fish from Japanese stores/farms. If you're in the US though, no chance as far as i can tell. The only place I've seen the US suppliers have imported from is Indonesia, just like how the ansorgii/endli hybrid have made their way to the US, it is possible that the Indo Pbb might make their way over here eventually, but given what TGM said about the defects he saw in the Indo-bred ones, i wouldn't care for one.


Hydrolycus Armatus
MFK Member
Jan 7, 2011
Ontario, Canada
From what I see, you can't buy them less than 10 inches...is there a place I can get them smaller?
Toyin is getting 10 inchers in a month or so. Thats the smallest size. $150 each.