
I have checked this site out almost everyday now for quite awhile with out adding anything and decided to join this morning and add something.I don't have any monsters at this time in any of my 30 or so tanks but have started a few "natural" very low budget plant tanks.
Tank -VERY old four foot 40 gallon with awful john deer green background.
Lighting- old used four foot fixture with 2 40 watt cool bulbs.
Heater -used 100 watt
Air pump-N/A
Power head N/A
Substrate-Approx 1 inch soil topped with Lowes play sand unwashed.
Tank has been up and running since late august.
Fish-10 white clouds and approx 20 quarter inch fry they have had in the tank.Need to add something? after the babies get a bit bigger.
Plants-Echinodorus amazonicus,Echinodorus tenellus,Echinodorus martii,Crypt. balansae,Crypt.lutea,Crypt petchii?,Crypt wendtii Red,Ceratopteris sp? fine leaf water sprite,Micro Sword,Java moss,Pennywort,Horn wort,Anubias barteri,Hygo. difformis ? wisteria,Red Temple,Ludwigia sp?
I also have a newer 135 gallon natural tank ill post.
Thanks for looking