chonhzilla Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 26, 2007 1,970 1 0 Fresno CA Apr 3, 2008 #391 wow nice tank "King Oz"
O oashieo Feeder Fish MFK Member Feb 12, 2008 16 0 0 Maui Apr 3, 2008 #393 all these tanks look great! i can't wait to get my itty bitty 10 gal planted just to see the outcome i tend to kill things in the garden :|
all these tanks look great! i can't wait to get my itty bitty 10 gal planted just to see the outcome i tend to kill things in the garden :|
C cichlids4me Candiru MFK Member Apr 5, 2008 274 0 46 Pageland, SC Apr 5, 2008 #394 Here is my 75 gallon tank
M MDK500 Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 26, 2008 1,193 1 0 Ⓞⓤⓣ Ⓕⓘⓢⓗⓘⓝⓖ Apr 10, 2008 #395 Here is my planted pico. Houses a few cherry shrimps.[/ATTACH][/ATTACH] Attachments Photo 1.jpg 100.1 KB · Views: 815
M martcoug Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 10, 2008 139 0 0 London UK Apr 11, 2008 #397 enlarge Still in the growing phase... but getting to how I want it.....(there are a lot of fish just get shy when the camera comes out haha)
enlarge Still in the growing phase... but getting to how I want it.....(there are a lot of fish just get shy when the camera comes out haha)
G gunnerx Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 20, 2008 167 2 0 Canada Apr 11, 2008 #398 This is my very first Aquarium ever. I put this together for my 20 month old daughter who really likes fishes. She really enjoys standing there watching the fish swim around. Now I'm addicted and daddy needs his own tank.
This is my very first Aquarium ever. I put this together for my 20 month old daughter who really likes fishes. She really enjoys standing there watching the fish swim around. Now I'm addicted and daddy needs his own tank.
K KING OZ Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 13, 2006 142 0 0 wichita Apr 11, 2008 #399 thanks for the nice comments I should have an update pic soon showing the plants filled in and fish too,lol.
thanks for the nice comments I should have an update pic soon showing the plants filled in and fish too,lol.
chonhzilla Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 26, 2007 1,970 1 0 Fresno CA Apr 11, 2008 #400 Heres an update on my planted 29. since then I've changed over to a new substrate. I'm now using Shultz Aquatic Plant Soil. Picture was taken 01-26-08 Since then I've changed it over on 04-08-08
Heres an update on my planted 29. since then I've changed over to a new substrate. I'm now using Shultz Aquatic Plant Soil. Picture was taken 01-26-08 Since then I've changed it over on 04-08-08