• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
well i just did some trimming and thought i should get some pictures it needs to fill in a little more but i think it looks ok. sorry about the bad pictures i need work on my photography skills.

29 gallon tank
2 t5 ho lights
and two internal filters


Nice tank. That's the look I was going for but I can't since I got the red Flourite :( But I couldn't pass up on 4 bags and 7 bottles of ferts for only $25 :D I'll sell it all once I get my 75 going :)

Is that the 2 Plus on the left side of the tank?
2 plus? im not sure what you mean if your talking about the filter it is actually a uv sterilizer caz i had a bad green water outbreak should be removed soon though
ok, I thought it was this. I thought about getting one, but I thought the size might have been to much for my tank, so I got a 1 Plus instead that looks like the one you have on the right side of you tank.

2 Plus


1 Plus

oOMO3NOo;2065471; said:
this is what is on the left side and a one plus is on the right

Ahh ok.
Does it work well? I heard they weren't good for planted tanks.
Is that the black Fluorite you are using?
ya black florite and i love that stuff i also have the black sand in my 5.5 gallon and i love that too.

i would have never used the UV but i had a huge green water problem and did everthing i could think of and it never went away so i tried the uv and im not one hundred percent sure if it helped or not. but the green water is gone now so i think im going to try removing it and see what happens.