Hi. I'm a lurker and haven't yet owned any real predators. I'm setting up a 110X that I'd like to house Belonesox or a Roeboides school in. The layout will be similar to one of my current planted tanks (below), all FL plants if I settle on Belonesox.
Here is my 65gl recently converted from high tech to low tech (no CO2, minimal dosing). The change in regime is like a long awaited vacation.
Thanks for looking! -J
Filstar XP3
78w T5HO 6700k @8hrs
Excel daily
4dKH 5dGH
SMS + Eco Complete / sand
Juncus repens
Vallisneria nana
Microsorum pteropus
Fissidens fontanus
Ludwigia arcuata
Eriocaulon type II
Hygrophila sp. Porto Velho (Roraima)
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Cryptocoryne wendtii "red"
Cryptocoryne parva
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
1 GMVT angelfish
9 pristellas
4 Corydoras trilineatus
1 albino cory
1 Apistogramma sp. "Masken" (according to Mike Wise)
4 (or 6) otos
1 Siamese Algae Eater