Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
L183 pleco
2 years,got them as fry.
Driftwood,sand bottom.Alot of water movement,I have 3 large sponge filters in a 30 long tank.
The trigger seems to be skip a few waterchanges with alot of driftwood in the tank.Lot of meaty food.
One succesful spawning,only got 4 fry though.Hoping to get more.
Species: Yellow Lab, red zebra, gephychromis lawsi, crimson tides cichlids, firemouths, angelfish, cutteri, seibolds

How many: 8 unsexed yellows labs, 1m/1f zebras, 7 unsexed lawsi, 2m/2f crimsons, 3 unsexed firemouths, 6 unsexed cutteri, 10 unsexed angels, 4 unsexed seibolds

How long trying: Most are recent additions, most are growing out and havent reached maturity yet.

Any successful spawns already: One yellow was holding her fry about a month ago but they were eaten. Right now I have a zebra holding, and atleast 2 lawsi holding.

Set up: The juvinile africans and the labs are all in a 15 gallon growout. Zebras a in 10 gallon with rockwork, and the angels are in their own "pairing off" 30 gallon tank. The rest are in mixed tanks until they are mature and ready to go in their own breeding tanks.

Any triggers/other information: Water changes and a bit of salt gets alot of them going.
Only 7 survived from first attempt - was away for a long weekend and they weren't fed enough (my fault!) - now have them growing out in my 4ft tetra tank. Mum and dad spawned again last week, eggs moved, 50 or so wrigglers at the moment, hoping to raise them all this time round...
Hi Im a Newbie to Monster fish keepers. I just got a pair of gt breeding fish. The male seems to be nesting and chasing the female around alot. We are hoping for some fry soon . Any tips are more than welcome!

In the Tank with the breeding pair we have 3 silver dollars two pelcos.
In another Tank we have Convect a pink and a black and white. 3 jack dempseys and 3 silver dollars two pelcos and one of the breeding pairs babies. In my third tank I have 3 tiny baby parrot fish. My 4th tank has 5 small gold fish a pelco and 4 barbs and four tiger fish.
I just bought a wild caught festae and I'm going to breed it with a kamalau with a big kok to see what happens
succesful breeding last 3 months,now about 3inches-backcross golden fire phoenix,next plan kokster bdrk x zz double liner,hopefully u.
Species: Monocirrhus polyacanthus

How many: 4 unsexed

How long trying: About 3 weeks ago

Any successful spawns already: No, but a pair of them are always together

Set up: 30gal Amazonian Biotope, where they are all alone!

Any triggers/other information: Live Food Only, I'm trying to be one of the first persons that breed this fish in my country!
species: red belly piranha

how many: 15

how long: had them 18 months

any successful spawnings: yes just had 2

set up: 200 gal long

triggers: hard to say, i got back from my last deployment and changed the water and changed the substrate from sand back to small gravel. the wife didnt take care of them as well as i liked, the water was low and dirty. so i think the reds thought they were in a dry season....