Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Black & dalmation mollies
5-females 1-male
Don't have to try!
Never ending supply of babies for baby MONSTERS!
55gal long. 20$-AC70 filter(thanks bigalonline!)
Triggers-feeding them!
40-80 babies a week!!
cichla monoculus - wild caught from peru

1 pair

i didnt do anything special to get them to spawn, to my knowledge they normally dont breed at the size there at, was unexpected

1 spawn but i didnt notice in time to save anything from the tankmates

in a 6ft 125 growout, with a canister and a ac110, and a air pump
I have been currently trying to breed Pseudotropheus Polits (2M, 5F) for 1month and have had one batch of fry (7 wigglers) and I also have 2 female Polits currently holding. They are housed in a 72 gallon bowfront and when I see signs of holding I place them in 20gal quarantine tanks.
Also I am currently growing out a colony of 11 Tropheus Duboisi(will add more soon to decrease aggression though this isn't recommended) in a 125gal for future breeding purposes and I am growing out a colony of 6 Placidochromis Phenochilus Tanzanians in a 110gal (2M, 4F)!
---All of fish are housed in species only tanks.
My first breeding was and accidental and unexpected event. I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 convict cichlids, two fire belly cichlids, two jack dempsys, and a plecostomis. I planted some bulbs in the tank and my two convicts continuously dug them up. I didnt realize they were digging a pit to spawn in so I kept replanting the bulbs and covering the pits. One day my wife and I were gone all day and when we got home we noticed some little specs swimming around, being closely monitored by the parents. I really had no intent on breeding because I thought it would be some increadibly hard process to find a breeding pair, get the tank decor just right, keep the water just so, but I was wrong. Now I have abunch of convict cichlid fry if any one wants some.
hi im attempting to breed my colwn knives i no its not easy but the female has laid 2 lots of eggs b4 and just no fertelisation does anybody have some tips to make my male horney.
Species: convicts

How many: 2 pairs

How long trying: 4 months Didnt try it just happened, again and again.

Any successful spawns already: I think one pair is on their spawn, the other pair just had their 3rd but were eaten by tank mates

Set up: 30 gallon tank at first, then into a 55 with my Jewel pair and other convict pair.

Any triggers/other information : Add water

Species: Jewel cichlids

How many: 1pair

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: I think they have spawned 4 times. The first batch is now over an inch long. The other spawns have been eaten. Need to seperate them.

Set up: 30 gallon then into the 55. Going to move them to their own tank again soon.

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Jags

How many: 1 pair

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: They did spawn but the fry was eaten.

Set up: 180 gallon, moved them into a 30 and the male just about killed the female.

Any triggers/other information :