Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Redline Green Severum

How many:2 adults + 40 babies + about 150 fry

How long trying: 4 months

Set up: 165gal main tank

Species: Geophagus Jurapari

How many: 2 females 1 male - waiting for fry to be release

How long trying: just started

Set up: 45gal breeding tank
Species: ruben red peacocks
How many:1m (have been looking for some good females) it bred with a female sunshine once 2 surviving babies/ female was killed after spawn

How long trying: 1yr

Set up: 55gal

also looking for a female heros severum for my male, getting a pair of reticulated stingrays in the morning when the box arrives, waiting for my sen. bichirs to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing, gar, oscars and bgk side projects in the works
Species: Caquetaia Umbriferus

How many:2

How long trying:1 month

Any successful spawns already:no

Set up:300 gallon tank

Any triggers/other information :I currently have my Umbee pair in a 300 gallon tank with a few other fishes. They have been together since they were all 5 inches and have got along well. I am currently conditioning my female by feeding her extra. She is shimmying but have not seen her tube...awaiting patiently.
Current projects include...

No Spawns
F1 Crenicichla minuano - 18 fish
F0 Crenicichla sp. citrus - 3 pairs
F1 Herichthys labridens "yellow" - 14 sub-adults
Petenia splendida "green" - 5 sub-adults with more on the way.
Gnathochromis permaxilaris - 2 groups of 10

F0 Heros beani - a single pair
Neolaprologus Marunguensis - 8 fish
Species: molllies and bn plecos

How many:2 bn plecos rest died off from heater and a dozen mollies

How long trying: about a year

Any successful spawns already: no bn plecos for at first about 4 spawns from mollies

Set up: 2 55 gallon tanks

Any triggers/other information : i keep my temps at 80-82 feed a high protein very high fiber diet
hello. im new to this site im from canada. i have 4 10in red belly piranhas in a 120gal tank.the tank is devided in half with a breeding pair on each side they lay eggs 3 or 4 times every few weeks. so i have no problem breeding them i am pulling 1000s of babys out all the time.but i can only manage to keep 5 percent alive. so my questoin is what is the trick to have a higher survival rate.
ZakkWyldeSDMF;3768862; said:
hello. im new to this site im from canada. i have 4 10in red belly piranhas in a 120gal tank.the tank is devided in half with a breeding pair on each side they lay eggs 3 or 4 times every few weeks. so i have no problem breeding them i am pulling 1000s of babys out all the time.but i can only manage to keep 5 percent alive. so my questoin is what is the trick to have a higher survival rate.

Welcome to mfk.

What have you been feeding the babies?
Species. RBP & tiger oscars
How many 6rbp(2f,3m,1???) oscars 1 pair
How long trying.raised oscars from 2"in 2006(12"+ now) rbp-raised from 1" in 2006
Any success yet.have made oscars spawn once 1 months ago they raised their own till 1/4" or so n then got eatn by other fish
RBP's- have spawned twice in two months.second time this morning n most of the day!have bout 40rbp from 1st batch.
Setups-oscars=75gal 1/4" of rock 1st time. None now, floating hornwort n dickweed.plastic 3" frog to beat-up on,beat-up hoods,broken lights.they must not like them!lol, AC110 filter
Rbp- 135gal 1" of black/neon green rock, plants,plants, n more plants.some driftwood,25+ neon tetras, wavemaker one end, AC110 filter on other
Triggers= don't you wanna know!!! Quility food!water changes that lower tank temp couple degrees,covering at least half of front of tank,no bright lights when the dancing starts!!!n couple other ancient Chinese secrets!!!If I told ya I'd have to feed you to the fishes!!lol