How many: 1pair of kribs,1male 3female sajica, 1male 2female swordtail-guppys dont no ther my little brothers
How long trying: kribs-2month,sajica-3weeks,swordtails-1week
Any successful spawns already: kribs and sajica once but no fry just eggs and some wigglers.
Set up: 45gallon-krib and sajica,swordtails in 10 with my tiny thorichthys ellioti juvie
Any triggers/other information : earthworms!
in the future(hopefully)- jd 1pair, hrp 2pairs, 1pair of thorichthys ellioti, firemouths, 1pair of thorichthys sp. 'mixteco blue' and thorichthys socolofi also maybe con if not alot of breeding sucsess