Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
species: mayans

how many:1 breeding pair

how long: male 4 yr female 3 yr breeding pair for 2.5yrs

spawns: on their forth batch

setup: 130 gal

Species: L-134 pleco's

How many: 6

How long trying: 2 days

Any successful spawns already: Not yet

Set up: 10g quarentine with DW and a bare bottom. (move to 40 breeder within a week)

Any triggers/other information : I know soft water is a must.
species: Guppys =X

how many:1male 2 female(1male&1 female died leaving one pregnant mom)

how long: about two weeks

spawns: currently 20 frys

setup:1.5gal barebottom w/plants
Species:Amphiprion ocellaris (Clownfish)

How many: 1 pair

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: successful spawns, yes. successful raising of fry, no.

Set up: 70 gallon

Any triggers/other information : Fry must be fed rotifers as a first food, so you have to culture rotifers.
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How many: 1pair of kribs,1male 3female sajica, 1male 2female swordtail-guppys dont no ther my little brothers

How long trying: kribs-2month,sajica-3weeks,swordtails-1week

Any successful spawns already: kribs and sajica once but no fry just eggs and some wigglers.

Set up: 45gallon-krib and sajica,swordtails in 10 with my tiny thorichthys ellioti juvie

Any triggers/other information : earthworms!

in the future(hopefully)- jd 1pair, hrp 2pairs, 1pair of thorichthys ellioti, firemouths, 1pair of thorichthys sp. 'mixteco blue' and thorichthys socolofi also maybe con if not alot of breeding sucsess
I have a rd that i am attempting to hybridise with a gt they have spawned 2 times befor 1 time producing wigglers that the gt mom ate.They have been together for about a 1.5 years i just recently moved them from a 75 gal to a 125 gal the devil is getting big and needed some space.They have been extremly aggrasive towards oneanother since the move about 2 weeks ago i thought the extra room would be a posative but time will tell i think i will give them 1 more year and then i will move onto anther project here's some pics.:headbang2

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I have a sajeca pair in a 75 i have owned them for 6 months they have spawned 3 times the first 2 time the fry where eaten by other cichlids.They have company in the 75 a fm i guess he's gotten to eat a few but most of this spawn have grown big enough that they don't fit in his mouth so they are pretty much in the clear there is also a spotted raphel cat a green phantom pleco 2 clown pleco's and a rubber nose pleco.I am going to have alot of juvinile sajeca to grow out lucky me.:grinno:

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We are currently breeding a Flowerhorn /convict with a Firemouth,there choice of course.We have had the pair for a couple of weeks.They are in a 30 gallon tank by themselves and have been very busy building nests everywhere.Now we are waiting for there eggs to hatch.We have heard from the previous owner that they spawned once already with a swarm of fry that disappeared quickly due to other predators in the tank.It will be very interesting to see this hybrid grown up.We will call them fire flowers.