Species:Amphilophus Lyonsi
How many:2
How long trying:2 months
Any successful spawns already:No they are still new
Set up:75 g
Any triggers/other information :Getting ready to experiment with addition of rainwater.
Species:Cleithracara Moronii
How many:2
How long trying:a year maybe alittle longer
Any successful spawns already:No I lost 2 of the original 3 to bloat during a huge almost 24 hour a day work schedule.
Set up:72 bow community.
Any triggers/other information :Getting ready to experiment with addition of rainwater.
Species:Amphilophus longimanus
How many:3
How long trying:A few months
Any successful spawns already:No Still waitning to see if they have found the trio or pair . Had Nine they eliminated 6 without being detected.
Set up:72 bow community.
Any triggers/other information :Getting ready to experiment with addition of rainwater.
Species:Bushy nose (common)
How many:2
How long trying:6 months???
Any successful spawns already:yes but the fry lived to only just shy of a quarter inch!! Then just disappeared.. My guess is they were devoured.
Set up:72 bow community.
Any triggers/other information :Getting ready to experiment with addition of rainwater.
My babies!!
Species:cichla Monoculus
How many:2
How long trying:Still waiting for maturation. A few more months
Any successful spawns already:No Still A little young
Set up:250 g. Com. at the moment.
Any triggers/other information :Getting ready to experiment with addition of rainwater. Obviously going to work with this in all my tanks
Oh and Cannot forget the Super spawners!!!
Species: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus
How many:2
How long trying:8 years
Any successful spawns already:100's
Set up:30 g
Any triggers/other information : I just let them do their thing

I have experimented with many different ways with these guys..
In the Past I have also bred
Neolamprologus brichardi
Guppies accidentally
And have attempted to breed
Comet goldfish
Silver dollars. They lay but I am too lazy to get the eggs out or get them their own tank.
Angels. these are paired just haven't laid yet

I beleive I need some Sword plants
Cannot think of anything else right now...